PPC ,Seo white paper


New member
Jan 27, 2008
Does anyone know a good white paper for PPC , SEO to present to corporate executives who don't know what that is.
Like what needs to be done , planning etc.
Don't fill like writing this bullshit myself

A white paper is prepared by YOUR company not another company. You should do it yourself and send it to companies not go and steal someones because it will of course advertise THEIR service on it.
Uhh... and you telling me that while stealing LPs left and right ?

Hello friend,

Key is for steal but no admit steal and encourage other no steal.

If you steal page of landing you make more money. But if other steal it more compeitition and you make less.

Good luck bro
I did want to copy someones thing and present it as my own, i needed a template of how to present it to people who don't know what cpc,ctr , etc.. are
There is no need to reinvent a weel every time.. because it's unproductive
and time is money, ok
Now back to the post, one comment with joke is enough - I appreciate it
If you don't have anything either funny or constructive to say - don't post trying to look smart and falling miserable, DO something
Find it here vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

The whole point of a pitch to a company is to get their sale. If you are running a company and think you deserve their business that means you think you are better than the others, which if you are you would feel like you could write a better white-paper. Just trying to give you some advice and no I do not steal landing pages. I got a big ego and think I can give a better sales pitch than most landing pages so I write and design my own.
I'm not running a marketing company, i'm not trying to get clients
It came up at my 9-5 where i'm IT engineer and since we don't have web department they approached me with this for our own website... And I did not want spend more time then needed.
Ok back to work... This tread is pointless now
I've done presentations to exec including VP and the occasional CEO.

Screw white papers, screw acronym explanations.

10 slide powerpoint, with slides 1-9 talking about money. How big the business is. Size of CPC market, ecommerce numbers.
How much money to start up a affiliate business. How much money the mailers make. Money, money, money.
Then, they ask questions like: What is CPA? What is CPC?
Tech geeks always make this mistake. They talk about gears and engines but the execs don't give a shit about the machine, they just want to talk about money. And then make some.
I've done presentations to exec including VP and the occasional CEO.

Screw white papers, screw acronym explanations.

10 slide powerpoint, with slides 1-9 talking about money. How big the business is. Size of CPC market, ecommerce numbers.
How much money to start up a affiliate business. How much money the mailers make. Money, money, money.
Then, they ask questions like: What is CPA? What is CPC?
Tech geeks always make this mistake. They talk about gears and engines but the execs don't give a shit about the machine, they just want to talk about money. And then make some.

Well said.