ppc management tools?


This is going to hurt
Apr 14, 2012
Can anyone recommend any must have PPC tools/software.

I'm specifically interested in a tool that keeps max cpc's just below the top three bids thus exhausts the budget for competitors sites with high max cpc/low daily budget.

If your talking Adwords you can use Automated Rules to adjust your bidding based on the keyword Average Ad Position. For example if Average Ad Position is < 3 decrease the keyword Max CPC by 10% if > 4 increase by 10%. Wouldn't be in real time though and based on the data from the day prior.
I did it manually. A competitor had a mac cpc of £30. Next highest was £5. spent a few days keeping my ppc cpc just under theirs. They seem to have stopped using adwords now.
PPC management tools
AdWords Editor. If you regularly work on large campaigns or campaigns across multiple accounts in Google AdWords, then you need AdWords Editor. ...
Bing Ads Editor. If you're using Bing Ads (and you should be), then Bing Ads Editor is a must-have. ...
WordStream Advisor. ...
AdWords Performance Grader. ...