With regards to this quote in Jon's most recent blog post, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole concept. It says that "it's like the stock market. Your main objective is to buy low and sell high." With that said, are you basically using a service such as AdWords to advertise your site where everytime someone clicks on your ad you pay a certain amount of money? Then once they come to your site, you're hoping to either convert with them clicking your own AdSense/YPN ads, or signing up for one of your affiliate offers, etc...? So basically your are "buying low" by paying a low price for your PPC campaign through AdWords and then "selling high" by getting visitors to click on your ads which have a higher payout than you are paying for your AdWords PPC, therefore you have a profit? Is that about the right idea?If you’ve never heard of PPC arbitrage let me just give you the gist of what it’s about. Very simply put, it’s like the stock market. Your main objective is to buy low and sell high, for maximum profit. Same thing here. Internet marketers are buying cheap traffic, and sending it to their sites with contextual ads on it, from such places as AdSense or YPN, thus converting the $0.05 clicks into $0.25 clicks.
If that is the right idea and I'm not to far off base, how does the "buying low" work? Do you just search around for different niches and see what the PPC charge is and find one that is the lowest so you're not paying much for the traffic?