PPC Ads Keep Getting Declined...Using PHP Redirect

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New member
Apr 12, 2008
I am trying to get my feet wet with PPC so I am redirecting straight to this freebie LP.

Yahoo keeps declining my ads...have a feeling it is because of the redirect...

the destination url I entered is my php redirect page, and the display is the same minus the .php extension. Any ideas on what this could be about?

PS I know the drill by now


...I think they are meant to scare off predators. Wait, what did you say?

If you are just starting out, try making your own LPs until you have a good idea what they will approve and what they won't.
Yeah! Redirecting is not good. However, there can be more than one reason for a decline. I don't know much about Yahoo I am more familiar with Google. A Super Affiliate I know has recently quit using Yahoo because of too many problems.

follow the above and create a professional landing page, or have someone on the forum do it for you. I've seen ads for landing pages for $65.
thanks for the responses guys, i didnt think people made LPs for simple email submit freebies...not sure what approach would work there. Multiple offers perhaps..
I was redirecting because I thought the display url looks spammy and would lower CTR. It's one of those scrambled neverblue URLs
I see...so that will still have my aff id in the long tail of the LP URL? And youre saying put that LP without the long tail as display URL? Thanks, pardon the newbness.
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