PPC Ad Scheduling Dilemma

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
I've got a campaign that I've been running for about a month now, and so far I've only been running it from noon to midnight using ad scheduling. I've got a good CTR and positive ROI and was thinking of running the campaign 24 hours a day now to get more impressions and clicks.

Now Google supposedly takes your ad position into consideration when looking at your CTR, but I was wondering if they do the same type of thing for the time of day?

Say I'm getting a 5% CTR from noon to midnight, if I start running 24 hours a day I'd imagine that my CTR would drop a pretty good amount due to the lower quality traffic at other times of the day. Could my lower total campaign CTR from running it 24 hours hurt my QS enough that I actually could be running up the CPC on myself by doing it? Or do you think Google takes the time of day into consideration when looking at your CTR?

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