PPC Account "Aggregator" Software?

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New member
Sep 7, 2006
San Francisco
Hey, just wondering if any of you guys know of some good software for management of multiple PPC accounts, ideally across multiple engines (ie msn/yahoo/goog) but also for multiple accounts within each engine. It doesn't have to do anything fancy--no bid shadowing or anything like that--just something that basically helps you manage and organize your keywords, campaigns, ad groups, etc.

thanks for the replies--yeah, already using adwords editor which is quite good (although could be better), but yahoo/msn are actually the ones i need this for most because of all the keyword limit restrictions...
Google's Adwords Editor allows multiple accounts. The only tool I've seen advertised that manages other engines is this subscription based one. (not an aff link)
Affiliate Radar - No More Flying Blind With PPC

I also believe one of the keyword tools makers are planning a similar product.

You do know that you are ALLOWED to put affiliate links into urls for products/services that you are LEGITIMATELY (aka not some scam or posting just to make cash on it) posting about.
I've been using Bizmaximizer lately although it's not perfect. It does have an automated bidding feature that will try to get your ads to the position you want aswell as removing and "Bid Gaps."

Oh and it does Google, Panama, Msn, 7Search etc all from one interface.
I watched the affiliate radar presentation and it looks pretty bad ass. I personally have used Atlas Search but I wouldn't recommend it to a friend.
I sued Affiliate Radar (beta-tester) & it works as advertised.

But I'm not paying their monthly fee for that - I created my own macros to duplicate what they do :D
You do know that you are ALLOWED to put affiliate links into urls for products/services that you are LEGITIMATELY (aka not some scam or posting just to make cash on it) posting about.

If I was Jon, I would write a script to change every link into an affiliate link. His!
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