POWERFUL WORDPRESS PLUGIN To Explode Your Traffic! [New Viral Google +1 System]

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Aug 17, 2011
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“Explosive New Wordpress Plugin Lets You Unleash a Traffic Hurricane to Your Website from Google's +1 Social Network!”
The Answer to the Burning Question on Everyone's Mind, What is the Best Way to take Advantage of Google's Hottest New Product The Google +1

This is not "Yet Another Google +1 Wordpress Plugin"...Its Different...It's Inherently More POWERFUL!

Viral Plus One is a wordpress plugin that allows you to integrate the plus one button with your wordpress website.

So what is different from the numerous other plus one Wordpress plugins out there?
Simple, Viral Plus One Plugin gives more features. Other plus one plugins allow you to simply place the plus one button in your wordpress.

Viral Plus One takes it to a whole new level by making sure your visitors click the button and you get the benefit of increased viral traffic.

There are 3 distinct modules of the Viral Plus One plugin:

  • Add Plus One button to the post: This allows you to place the plus one button in your post. It also lets you automatically place a plus one button in all your post with one click

  • VPO Content Locker: Simply placing the plus one button will not ensure that people click on the plus one button. Sometimes it is necessary to force them to click on the plus one button. That's where this module comes in. This module will allow you to lock your content from the visitor and only unlock if he/she clicks on the plus one button.


  • VPO Popup & Slidedown: Sometimes module 2 is too harsh and forceful for your visitor. It is good for only those posts that are continued from another post or that have a very enticing post title. But what if you want to be less forceful. What if you just want to gently remind them to click on the +1 button. This is where module 3 comes in. This module will allow you to gently appear as a popup or a slidedown after a specfied time when you think that the visitor is just about to finish reading the post or when he has finished watching a certain length of the video.





Viral Plus One will take your website traffic to a whole new level. Especially when Google rolls out Plus one to the general public.

Among the SEO gurus and discussion circles, it is speculated whether Google Plus one will affect SEO. The majority of the SEO gurus expect that Google Plus One will have a strong influence in the search results.
Which means it is high time you jump in NOW

Viral Plus One Wordpress Plugin will allow you to:

  • Catch every visitor and gently prompt them to share your website with their friends
  • Exponentially increase the chances of your website going viral
  • Pass your message to the friends of every visitor and their friends
  • Explode your traffic every time it goes viral
  • Catapult your sales, sign ups and adsense clicks
  • Have the ability to present the users with the +1 button exactly when you want it to appear
  • Incentivize the visitor by offering something free in return for sharing in Google Plus one
Watch the Plugin in action

As you can see, it is very simple to use and gives you tons of functionality that even the most expensive ones leave out.

Features of Viral Plus One

Module 1:

Automatically insert the button before the content begins or after it ends
  • Insert the button anywhere within the content
Module 2:
There is no way the visitor can see the post, it is 100% locked until he/she clicks on the +1 button
  • Point and Click Insert

  • Multiple Content Lockers within the same post

  • Highly Customizable Appearance
Module 3:
Remembers visitors who have already clicked on the +1 button, so that your visitors dont get annoyed
  • Highly Customizable Appearance

  • Built-in timer to make your timing more effective

  • Close the button by timer or by the close button

Exclusive Bonus For Fast Movers:


Testimonials for my other Wordpress Plugins:
Originally Posted by cufflinks
WF Look Out For Kamran and His Creations!

I was impressed by his previous plugin release and now this very creative plugin solves my social media promotion. When I saw the demo, I thought "why didn't I think of that??".

Like any new release, I think there'll be opportunities to modify and adjust to bring it to the fullest potential. I like the idea of reaching the younger generation through social media tools. Besides Twitter, perhaps it could incorporate Posterous or Orkut.

The interface is simple and clear to use. Nothing overly complicated.

Get the Unlimited licence I'd say. Its a no brainer. If you're tech savvy and want to develop it further with your ideas, grab the Developer licence before the price shoots up!

I'm now off to add the FB plugin into my newer sites!

Originally Posted by MikeLantz

I just want to say that this is by FAR one of the BEST scripts I have ever seen or used. It REALLY worked for me, to the tune of over an 800% increase in traffic

GREAT work Kamran!


Originally Posted by cufflinks
Hi Kamran

This is yet another awesome and powerful plugin from you. Haven't heard from you in ages! When I went through the functions, I'd have no doubt this is going to dominate the other Google+1 tools. Your attention to detail is first class.


Originally Posted by gvmweb
cool...just what i was looking for
keep it neat an clean cover all options..
i just jumped on it with pro version


Originally Posted by impact-productions
All installed very easily, and I've been through and +1'd a number of my posts

I've not tried the slide on feature or the locked content yet, but I can see a lot of blogs that they'd work perfectly on.

Definitely worth getting, as the price is way too low (and the second bonus report is excellent too!).


Grab Your Copy Of Viral Plus One Now

PRICE: $20


SKYPE: p4w4n08

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