Power of Testimonials


New member
Mar 30, 2009
I have witnessed the power of testimonials first hand. I recently changed one of my emails going out and saw a huge increase in conversions. Basically I changed the email being sent to seem like I was telling a story. Almost like a flog but in email form.

My question is. Does anybody know how to put testimonials in an email. How would you go about that. I'd like to try that but the only thing I could think of was to have a link in the email to testimonials. I was wondering about how to format an email with testimonials already in it.

Has anybody ever attempted this?

Is a good way of marketing, the more customers who say good things about us, the more prospective customers will believe them.
You can include links directly to your webpage with testimonials, or include some on your email that you plan to send over to people.
So will be a good idea sending references including testimonials and mini case studies from the references as part of the sales process.
Won't the whole testimonial thing change come 12/1/2009?

What with the FTC cracking down on all of the fake reviews that are floating around, you know, to help protect the innocent and their monies.
Won't the whole testimonial thing change come 12/1/2009?

What with the FTC cracking down on all of the fake reviews that are floating around, you know, to help protect the innocent and their monies.

There is no way they can enforce it. On top of that, there are ways around it if you're smart about it.
Why don't you turn each one into a 'case study' and send a separate Email for each with your commentary intermixed with the customer's words. That will probably be more powerful because you can create a story around each one... and stories sell like mad - especially via Email. Furthermore, depending on your testimonials, you can highlight a different benefit for each one and potentially sell a wider range of people than you would otherwise (since different people buy for different reasons).
Won't the whole testimonial thing change come 12/1/2009?

What with the FTC cracking down on all of the fake reviews that are floating around, you know, to help protect the innocent and their monies.

what prevents you from getting the product yourself and doing a review?
If you buy something to test it out, make sure you cancel before the trial period ends, or use a VCC.

Or just email the merchant and ask for review cpy plz.
Why don't you turn each one into a 'case study' and send a separate Email for each with your commentary intermixed with the customer's words. That will probably be more powerful because you can create a story around each one... and stories sell like mad - especially via Email. Furthermore, depending on your testimonials, you can highlight a different benefit for each one and potentially sell a wider range of people than you would otherwise (since different people buy for different reasons).

Dude that is a great idea and I thank you so much. I am well aware that stories sell like mad and I'm about to start a new site and I just couldn't figure out how to send the testimonials. I guess I could even do like an attachment with all the testimonials attached or something. Or just add them to the bottom of the email and make it look like they were cut and paste from an email they had sent to the company saying how great the product is.
^^ bullshit

From cj.com when I logged in:

The FTC has updated their guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials. While CJ cannot give legal advice regarding these guidelines, how these guidelines may affect your business, or how you should proceed; we'd like you to be aware of this update that goes into effect on 12/1/09. You can find out all the details on the FTC website and read about some members of the industry's take on this issue at the Performance Marketing Alliance's site or at Revenews.com here and here. CJ does not endorse any of the information provided on these sites and didn't contribute content; they are cited for informational purposes only.

But I agree with others above, how exactly are they going to enforce/regulate it?