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Attention whore
Jon gave me permission to make a postwhore thread!
The 2 persons with the most posts in this thread after 4 Hours will both win $50,- via paypal!

and don't post boobies since this thread is not a nsfw one;)

ao    jon:  Make a thread for me, because I need to run for about an hour, announcing that we'll be doing a 4 hour long post whore contest today for $100 instead of $50. There will be 2, $50 winners instead of one.
ao    jon:  You can use this IM as proof that it's legitimate too.
pig2cat: okay:D
ao    jon:  Thanks!


guess i'm out- need to go look at some apartments today...

anyone know of a good size 1 bedroom in Manhattan for less than $2400/month?? man i have such a love/hate relationship w/ this city...
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