Post for free hosting

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New member
Jan 2, 2008
I came across a website/forum which will give you free website hosting in return for posting on their forum. From what I have seen you can choose beetween quite a few packages. Everytime you make a post on the forum you receive "hostbucks" the amount varies, but they seem easy to rack up.

You might be wondering why I am posting about this, well I just want to know if you guys would recommend hosting through a method like this. I won't post the link now as there is something in the rules which forbids me from talking about other forums. If I can maybe have permission to post the link I will do. I am not self promoting or doing anything for a friend, I genuinely want to get some hosting and it just caught my eye.

Get real hosting. If you need a respectable company, go with Hostgator. I just recently started using them - no problems thus far, and everyone I've spoken with has had only good things to say.

Here's a shameless plug for SEO_Mike's latest offer: 5 Free* Autoblogs for Everyone

Whether you go with Hostgator or not, you're still better off.

I wouldn't trust anyone offering "hostbucks" for a second, and personally, I prefer thinking, "Ok, I paid ten bucks for this month's hosting" instead of "Gee, I better make a couple hundred posts this week so my sites stay up."

Remember, you get what you pay for.
I agree with you on your points, that SEO_Mike thing looks quite interesting. I have a couple ideas I want to try out, so when I noticed free hosting I thought it would maybe be worth a shot. If I had sucess my plan was to move away from there, but now I might just go with Hostgator and avoid the whole having to post to keep alive scenario.
Remember, you get what you pay for.

Dude, I couldn't agree more. I was headed over here to rant about free hosting and saw this.

The comment "You get what you pay for" is so true. I recently launched a new product (which I won't mention here... after all I'm kinda new and don't wanna get lambasted). It uses RSS feeds to populate certain areas.

I opened it up to 100 members for $100 bucks and 15 members complained that they can't use it with their free hosting accounts!

I tempered myself but I really wanted to say "You just paid $100 bucks on a new product to make you money, but you are too fucking cheap to pay for your own hosting? WTF!?"

Free hosting if fraught with all kinds of trouble. You will be limited in what you can do with your account. Plus, they are typically run on Class B or Class C networks which the Search Engines already KNOW are spam traffickers.

Go with someone reputable - Hostgator, Media Temple, WestHost... there are too many GOOD ones. Go to and see the reviews there.
"You just paid $100 bucks on a new product to make you money, but you are too fucking cheap to pay for your own hosting? WTF!?"

Those people should not have a credit card!!!!!!!
Host for post are not worth the trouble, you will get your account and then a few days later the host will be down for good.

I tried running a host to post site, not profitable at all!
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