Possible to get another Adsense account?


New member
Nov 22, 2011
Years ago I used Adsense on one of my forums and it was disabled due to improper usage, says google. Anyways I wanted to setup another account is it possible or do I have to use someone elses information to do this?

I tried it once and after two days they must have figured it out because they disabled the new account... pissed me off because I spent two days putting ads on my sites and then had to spend another two days taking them back off...
yeah google are pretty hot on finding multiple accounts.. I tried it about a year ago and they was on to me within a couple of days.

Now I use my sisters bank details and address and they havent sussed yet .. fingers crossed
You should prob PM jeffrey, he makes these for people all day for $5. The accounts are valid too!

LOL... is this serious?
How can someone make an adsense account for you?

If you're registered a business you can put an adsense account under the business and keep your personal one as well.

How is it possible for someone else to make you an adsense account that lets you withdraw money. I mean you need to put a Tax ID in, and I don't think you want to be using a fake one/stolen one.
is there a limit on how many businesses you can register? Also, what's the overhead of registering for a business?
is there a limit on how many businesses you can register? Also, what's the overhead of registering for a business?

What kind of question is that? You can own as many businesses as you want. Costs associated are probably about 1k a year per business.
but do you can use the same bank account of disabled account without being spotted?
I do think that it's a ridiculous rule but it's Google party. They get to make the rules. They should at least allow for a couple of different business accounts, though. I can think of lots of reasons why it would be much easier for people to maintain more than one account.
Alright...here are some thoughts from a CJer (that burned alot of accs)...

I have had multiple ad3en3e accounts approved for my main bank account, including the small "verification deposit. Each account had a different payee name which works fine with ING and most other banks.

If you prefer to work off legitimate addresses you can simply purchase a PO Box and mail forwarding services from suppliers anywhere in the world.
Here are some suppliers based in UK, but searching Google should bring up suppliers in many countries:
Mailbox Services - Prices | Mail Boxes Etc. UK and Ireland

To have multiple phone lines you can use TollFreeForwarding.com - Toll Free & Local Phone Numbers and have calls forwarded to your office. After approvment you can cancel the line.

Hope this helps to sort your problems with multiple accounts!! Otherwise hit me up for more info ;)
Yes creating a new account is possible.
Maybe you can ask your closest friend to sign up an account and let you manage it for him. It won't be hard to make a new account but of course you can't use your old details.
