Possible Penalty?


New member
Jun 21, 2011
Hi Guys~

I had a BUNCH of kws drop from first few pages to 100+ about two weeks ago and they haven't returned yet. Others are doing fine and a few still going up. Been working on this site over a year and haven't done anything abnormal lately.

Most hits came on Jan 10. I did get a couple link orders in around then, but nothing crazy.


Would greatly appreciate any advise from some SEO doctors on how to diagnose and treat the situation.

I've been using Rankerizer to track rankings. Do you think there's any chance that could cause a G penalty? (since the G Webmaster Guidelines say not to automate queries)

Maybe G just starting to disavow links/sites that others have reported to them?


Been working on this site over a year and haven't done anything abnormal lately.

Most hits came on Jan 10. I did get a couple link orders in around then, but nothing crazy.

I've been using Rankerizer to track rankings. Do you think there's any chance that could cause a G penalty?

Sorry for posting in the wrong category - still learning my way around here i guess. Will post some funny shit to make up for it ;-)
1. Guy buys link packages.
2. Google slapps several keywords.
3. Guy can't figure out what he did wrong.
4. Asks for advice, and mentions he knows Google hates automation.
5. Guy still can't figure out what he did wrong.
6. I realized i just logged into DP...

Carry on...
Fair enough. Apparently, this should have gone in the newbie section, not traffic (let alone shooting the shit).