Possible Joint Venture


Dec 12, 2007
Hey guys ... a buddy of mine who works for Verizon just let me know that Google will be coming out with a gPhone. I don't know the details but it's coming.

I purchased the domain name buygphones.com a couple years ago and just held on to it. I think now is the time to start developing it. The problem? I don't have time. I am looking to partner with a kick ass designer, who may also have some ideas on how to monetize the site as well (don't worry, I already have my own as well). I would be willing to do a 50/50 deal on all revenues the site produces.

I figured I would ask some of the brilliant minds at WF first. PM me if interested.

Mods: If this post is not OK, please delete it and accept my apologies.

Hey guys ... a buddy of mine who works for Verizon just let me know that Google will be coming out with a gPhone. I don't know the details but it's coming.

I purchased the domain name buygphones.com a couple years ago and just held on to it. I think now is the time to start developing it. The problem? I don't have time. I am looking to partner with a kick ass designer, who may also have some ideas on how to monetize the site as well (don't worry, I already have my own as well). I would be willing to do a 50/50 deal on all revenues the site produces.

I figured I would ask some of the brilliant minds at WF first. PM me if interested.

Mods: If this post is not OK, please delete it and accept my apologies.

im in, but you are responsible for 100% of the legal bills
^ I don't think legal problems would come into play here. Google has proven to be quite lenient when it comes to iffy trademarked things like this - of course if you abuse and tarnish their trademark you'll get yo ass sued. (As we saw earlier in the week.)

Anyway cool idea/venture. Hope it works out well for both parties!
I really hope they release some data on this phone soon. I am getting a new phone for Christmas but I will have 30 days to return it for this phone if it is a lot better.