Popeye's Runs Out of Chicken!! :O

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lol. One guy says "I am more dissapointed thatn angry. I was looking forward to this day"

Why is that they only showed black people coming for fried chicken in this news story?
Haha, black people are funny. "They should have had a trailer full of chicken on ice".
"I'm never coming back again..." Bullshit. He went back the next day. Honestly though, Popeye's is one of those rare places on Earth. I live in Springfield, MO. and see a black person maybe once a week/month... but the Popeye's a few miles from my place constantly has every seat filled and it's 95% black / 5% white.
It's popeyes.

Least the ones in the video appear more presentable, you should see most of the people hoping into the Chicken Coop round here.

I thought the argument bout trying to feed their kids was funny though... by comparison grocery shopping would be far more economical, but you might actually have to work, and think up a meal plan.
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Fucking popeyes, I hate them almost as much as mcdonalds. Back in the day I used to work there, the parts of the restaurant you don't see are filthy as hell.
I think a lot of those people need to cut back on the fried chicken and try something more productive... news cameras + lifetime diet of popeyes seems to be taking a serious toll on their ability to put words together.
for those of you who don't know, Popeye's Chicken is a ghetto fried chicken chain... almost all of the Popeye's Chicken places are in ghetto areas, and very seldom do you see a Popeye's Chicken that's not in the ghetto... in fact, there are some theories that Popeye's Chicken works like a ghetto magnet, drawing in and turning an area to ghetto if it wasn't previously, sorta like an evil ghetto aura... it's mysterious stuff for sure...

they do have some pretty good chicken though, especially when you're really stoned... I like their spicy chicken, but it does tend to give me the shits something terrible...
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