Poor from the Collapse of Acai? - Got a way to get some quick cash....


New member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
As we all know there was a lot of affiliates that made a lot of coin running acai and a bizopp as they were low hanging fruit in 2009.

Most assumed they'd be ballin forever as the money was pouring in a lot of them went out and bought fancy cars, watches and threads.

80%+ of these people seem to have a hard time getting new stuff going outside of rebills. They test a lot and make it no where because they can't just copy campaigns like they used to.

So as a gesture to help you out if you're having a hard time with money here is a place you can sell your fancy watches.


Good Luck! HAhahahahahahahahahah :D

lol, he's got hips like a fat woman

nice site tho, just got a cool $18 for my Tag Heuer!
Smaxor must be banned for outing Webster's landing page!

How else is the little baller gonna be able to maintain his lifestyle?

Hi, I'm Emmanuel Lewis and I sold one of my Rolex watches to WEbuywatches.com...
Smaxor must be banned for outing Webster's landing page!

How else is the little baller gonna be able to maintain his lifestyle?


This picture reminds me of the mini Tiger Woods trying to dance with itz_bert's girlfriend at ad:tech. Caveman knows what I'm talkin about... I should've snapped a picture.