Pom Wonderful Juice Article

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Skippy McGee

Jul 8, 2008
Your mom's house
Article from today's Washington Post about Pom Wonderful juice's marketing with a lot of coverage about what can and can't be said due to FDA regulation.


What can or can't be said about a food or its components is a complicated issue governed by two agencies -- the Food and Drug Administration, which regulates food labeling, and the Federal Trade Commission, which regulates advertising.
Currently, the FDA recognizes 17 specific health claims, each linking a food or dietary ingredient to a disease or "health-related condition." Twelve were authorized through a process in which the agency evaluates the evidence for a food's reputed health effects. The other five came into play as part of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, which permits claims "based on an authoritative statement of a scientific body of the U.S. government or the National Academy of Sciences."

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