Poll Control Question

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New member
May 14, 2008
Alright so I just purchased that poll control script from Sellwithpolls.com and I am stumped as to how to go about installing this thing.

Can anyone point me to some type of tutorial?

I have a host and domain already.

If I am offending anyone by asking a simple question, then my apologies. But honestly, I have no experience with setting up this system.

Yes, I did send an email to their support team but I wanted to get this started tonight instead of waiting until morning for them to reply.

It's not as if I'm asking which niche and keywords are making you the most money.

But since there is no tutorial that comes along with script, (and this is my very first attempt to actually start and affiliate marketing campaign) I figured I would ask the question here to get a quick reply.

So can anyone help me out? If not then that's cool too.

I've got it installed on a domain and I don't remember having too many difficulties. What exactly are looking for people on the forum to do? You asked for a tutorial, someone gave you a tutorial.

If you have a specific error message, post it and someone might help. Otherwise it just sounds like you want someone to magically fix your problem.
I've got it installed on a domain and I don't remember having too many difficulties. What exactly are looking for people on the forum to do? You asked for a tutorial, someone gave you a tutorial.

If you have a specific error message, post it and someone might help. Otherwise it just sounds like you want someone to magically fix your problem.

That was a link to a tutorial all right, just not one that had anything to do with polls.
hey guys,

any problems or questions with the software just hit me up.

I have a bunch of other shit coming out that will blow poll control out the water.
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