Political thread on some other forum...

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Blame the old guy that hit my car, fucking my back and giving me the creative insight of sleep deprivation....

I hang out here because of the political bantar along side the IM. I love to hang out with people with "any" political views. They are usually the most imformed.

Go to WF or Digital Point. Bunch of dumb ass kids that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Can just imagine a political debate at one of these places:

biggestguru said:
Obama is muslin his middle name is saddam

1334ebooks2 said:
well mccains to old

1334ebooks2 said:
an hes wrinkly like ur moms pussy

britneyspears said:
i like hillary

biggestguru said:
your moms pussy

1334ebooks2 said:
i like hillarys pussy

biggestguru said:
Obama is muslin evry1 nos dat

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britneyspears said:
hillary is a strong woman

britneyspears said:
people don't understand her

biggestguru said:
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1334ebooks2 said:
Hey wankman, hows ur mom?

You Can't Sell That

biggestguru said:
sending paypal now, sounds good

buyfastnow said:
Yes, Selling Fast

Google Ultimate
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Uncovered 2008

britneyspears said:
she's like Britney and better than all the haters. they should just leave her alone

You Can't Sell TheReallyRichWanker It's My Ebook. Where Did You Get It?

1334ebooks2 said:
I am sending paypal too, will get dispute if not good for learning google

And Fr.ee Kleenex Was TheRichWanker Not TheREALLYRichWanker (Me). My Book Comes With Professional HomeMade FleshLight. DONT BUY IT FROM HIM YOU WONT GET YOUR FLESHLIGHT

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1334ebooks2 said:
How about Hilary and Britney lesbo foot fetish video ebook site

1334ebooks2 said:
How about Hilary and Britney lesbo foot fetish video ebook site

1334ebooks2 said:
Must be millions of searches

I'm Really Going To Report You Now. Tell Me Where You Got My Book and I Won't Tell Adsense only Google

britneyspears said:
That is sick, Britney and Hillary would never do that, leave them alone

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biggestguru said:
hey you muslin fukk thats my books

britneyspears said:
How do I make a website for extra special niche in adult?

1334ebooks2 said:
No! dont steal my ideas for hot hillary lesbo scat action with britney

biggestguru said:
I will report you 4 being muslin fukk

I'm REALLY Really Going To Report You Now. Both Of You. Then You Won't Give Away My Ebook When Google Blocks You From Internet... HaHaHa

britneyspears said:
Leave Britany and Hillary alone. They are better than all of you haters. They have more talent in their nostril hair than you have in your whole head.

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britneyspears said:
my special niche is better anyway, much more people will want this

biggestguru said:
LOL a sintolgy muslin fukk

I Did It I Reported You Both

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britneyspears said:
Is it true you have to give tom cruise a blow job to join?

1334ebooks2 said:
You would like that

biggestguru said:
big gay sintolgy muslin fukk

I Told You I Would Report You And I Did. I Reported You To Google And They Will Ban You From Google Soon

britneyspears said:
FUCK YOU! I'm not gay! FUCK YOU Biggest Guru Fucker!

biggestguru said:
not you. big gay green hat tom cruise suckin sintolgy muslin fukk

And There Is More Banning Soon For You. I Reported You To The Really Important People. You Need To Watch Out Now. I Reported You To Jonny Fucked-Wire, The ShitMonkey And To Mike Cuntz Himself

britneyspears said:
Sorry thought you were calling me gay cos I like Britney. I'm not she is just so amazing, so is Hillary. People don't understand

britneyspears said:
Want to hear my new special niche?

Now I Am Going To Find A Mod And Get You Banned Here Too. Hahaha

buyfastnow said:
Green Hat Tom Cruise!
HaHaaaahaa only $7
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britneyspears said:
It's gonna be the greatest video ebook website. Imagine John Mccain and Barack Obama together. They will tie each other up, maybe some whipping and a gimp mask for McCain and then they will play with butt plugs, but not in a gay way. It's gonna be so big

1334ebooks2 said:
Wankman is a fuckin mod here. Wanker

biggestguru said:
big gay tom green hat cruise suckin sintolgy muslin fukk wanker

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Hahah! I've always thought it'd be pretty easy to automate forum posting by having responses like this with variable subjects/celebs/whatever. Like madlib sites.
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