Polish translator needed


Extreme Ultra VIP
Aug 3, 2008
For the tl;dr crowd, This post has nothing to do with AM.

I have a crazy Polish ex-wife who is being the most difficult, vindictive bitch imaginable.

She lived in the UK for a few years (01-05) and told me at the time that she was required to pay tax in both the UK and Poland, but never paid it in Poland. She has been worried about this for ages. She owns a flat over there in her name and is worried that when she sells it she will have to pay the tax.

Anyway, she's previously lied in court to get an intervention (Americans call it restraining) order against me, told the police that I have child porn on my computer and refuses to give back some of my shit (power tools) that she took (breaking a court order) when she left the house.

Now she's delibrately witholding info about our daughter. I keep asking her who our daughters doctor is (in case I need to take her there one day) and she just says "you should already know". Her latest email is completely in Polish (which I can't read).

So, is there anyone around to help a nigga out? I need some translation of the latest email, help to find out which government department I contact in Poland so they can collect the tax she owes them and help with translating a letter into Polish to send to their government department.

Someone who has lived or currently lives in Poland would be good, because you would know local laws. Someone who's lived in the UK as well as knows exactly what I'm talking about regarding the dual tax situation would be perfect.

In return I can provide AM advice (but to be honest it won't be much more info than you can find in the stickies on here), a bit of help on your site somehow or if all else fails, I'll paypal you $100.

I'm a Polak - feel free to send it I can at least translate properly for ya - but I live in Canada, and translating it (from Polish to English, not back unfort.) is probably as far as I can help, no recip/money needed, I've been with my share of fucked Polish women so I get you..
Same here dude If you need translation I can do it for you as far as laws in Poland no clue
I'm Polish as well, no problem translating the email for you. I can also try to translate the letter, but it wouldn't be university level polish by any means. As for the laws, I couldn't tell you exactly, although I do have family that have dual citizenships in Poland/USA and own property in Poland so I MIGHT be able to find out.