Poisoned what to do?

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New member
Nov 27, 2008
Happened about two months ago, I don't know it for a fact but I remember the event very well. I poured some Coca Cola into a cup (I never drink soda) and chugged it down. As soon soon as I was done drinking it I didn't feel right, I had this metal type taste all through my esophagus and a similar taste when I burped. It kind of tasted like "poison". I went home that night and drank a lot of water, I woke up the next day and did the same and went for a bike ride thinking I could sweat out the toxins. Didn't do anything else since I don't have health coverage and thought maybe it was in my head.

Now two+ months later I'm thinking that it may have been poison, I got a similar taste when in my esophagus last week after drinking down a tall glass of water, today I also had the same taste after drinking some water and going into a burp, though not a full out burp if you know what I mean.

I haven't eaten anything all day, I'm fasting hoping I can still try to save whatever I can. I'm going to do a whole body cleanse and hopefully that can get rid of whatever toxins are still left. It's late but I couldn't think of this sooner for whatever reason. I think this and trying to sweat as much as possible are going to be my best options. Live and learn, don't trust anyone. I guess I still can't get it in my head that there are two-faced scum living in all corners of the earth.

Happened about two months ago, I don't know it for a fact but I remember the event very well. I poured some Coca Cola into a cup (I never drink soda) and chugged it down. As soon soon as I was done drinking it I didn't feel right, I had this metal type taste all through my esophagus and a similar taste when I burped. It kind of tasted like "poison". I went home that night and drank a lot of water, I woke up the next day and did the same and went for a bike ride thinking I could sweat out the toxins. Didn't do anything else since I don't have health coverage and thought maybe it was in my head.

Now two+ months later I'm thinking that it may have been poison, I got a similar taste when in my esophagus last week after drinking down a tall glass of water, today I also had the same taste after drinking some water and going into a burp, though not a full out burp if you know what I mean.

I haven't eaten anything all day, I'm fasting hoping I can still try to save whatever I can. I'm going to do a whole body cleanse and hopefully that can get rid of whatever toxins are still left. It's late but I couldn't think of this sooner for whatever reason. I think this and trying to sweat as much as possible are going to be my best options. Live and learn, don't trust anyone. I guess I still can't get it in my head that there are two-faced scum living in all corners of the earth.

Metallic taste in mouth - WrongDiagnosis.com

Did you bother to Google? My name is Ron Burgundy?
Yeah this happened to my dad, he had to get his stomach removed adn replaced with a pig's stomach.

Pigs are the closest genetic match to humans which is why they use pig heart valves when humans have heart problems sometimes.

If I were you I wouldn't wait--go to your doctor PRONTO and talk to him about this shit.
Chug a tall glass of bleach and you shouldn't have to worry about soda poisoning again for the rest of your life.

Hope this helps.
My brain hasn't been working the same ever since. I can get into the deep (almost meditation like) thoughts of vividly seeing stuff, ideas, etc. I could sit there and enter this deep thought about anything I wanted. Worked really well if I wanted to really jump into a problem or really examine something that was on my mind. I guess it's imagination but it I can't seem to be able to get into the same state. Now when I try I feel like I'm "shorting out" or something. I feel it coming and then nothing, very weird to explain and I'm sure I already sound a little crazy but try to see if from my angle.
I totally had this before... I used this colon cleansing product and that fixed it right up - let me grab you a link
Yes, you were poisoned TWO MONTHS ago and the only thing it's done is made you feel funny. Two months. Poison.

Have you ever heard of hard water? My tap water tastes like copper all the time.

You're a paranoid lunatic.
Hello friend,

Maybe if use acai berry and use colon cleanse together can help you?

Good luck bro
If it was poison it was not very effective. Did you pour from an open container? Was the person that had control of it after you for some reason? People are assholes sometimes.

But most likely it was from not drinking coca cola for a long time. It has a ph of 2 I think. Very acidic.

You might try going to a doctor and telling them about this or just go getting a checkup to feel better in general. Some things calm down stomachs well if you are having some acid reflux or something. Green Tea, ginger ale, baking soda in some water.
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