POF Ads Wear Out Too Quickly?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I've been making a couple of bucks using POF. I've finally started getting CTR's of over 0.1% but when I do the ads only last a week. After that they need to be changed up.

1. Is there an simple way to stay on top of this?
2. Where are good places to source potential free images from?

that's life..... one minute your king of the world, the next your posting obvious shit on WF and everyone hates you! you just never know what life is going to bring you.....


1. Rotate Ads, keep em fresh
2. Fuck Free images, steal.
Hey Slime, How do you rotate ads??

Try to rotate your ads and always ad something new in it as it is the best way that lead you at the top positions too.
Own the product, & network distribution and run it yourself and it's not an issue. :tongue2:

No for real, do a heavy image search and rotate those images. Go for about 10.