Please tell me I'm not an idiot for thinking "The Secret" is the stupidest concept


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Deerfield Beach, FL
Please tell me I'm not an idiot for thinking "The Secret" is the stupidest concept

Everyone around me is way into "The Secret". And all I can do is put my face in my hands and give everyone weird looks. I'm getting to the point where I think maybe I'm the crazy one for thinking it's the stupidest concept ever presented to smart people.

The problem is that the concept is incomplete, it's missing the most important part that says that is not enough with just thinking adn dreaming about the goal, but you need to bust your ass off in order to get it.
The Secret is brilliant from a marketing perspective because

1. It banks hard on people's confirmation bias, which is a pretty powerful psychological weapon.
2. It backs that up with a whole host of other psychological quirks to make it seem like it actually does something while leaving out that you actually have to do work to achieve results.
3. And it's rooted in just enough real motivation techniques to seem legit. Again it leaves out all the unattractive stuff (read: work and sacrifice).

If you guys ever want some lulz, read through their success pages:
Once I planned a trip to Portugal. I had my tickets bought and everything set up. I just needed some pocket money.

I decided to exchange money, since in Poland we have no euros. I wanted to take about 150 E with me.

I told my mother that I need money and had to go to exchange our currency for euros. She said that she had some euros that she did not spend on her last trip. It was the exact amount of money I needed.

That was amazing. I was shocked. It was no less, no more - the exact amount. 150. It was another proof of law of attraction.

I recently had surgery and was worried about finances. I was out on disability for 6 weeks and was informed that I would only receive 40% of my income. I have rent, bills and surgery costs that weren't covered by my insurance.

Before I had surgery I was requested to change my login and passwords for my work computer. I had ran out of combination codes of all things relating to me. Letting go of limiting views I realized that this would be a perfect avenue to use my affirmations.
So my new passwords became a mantra about wealth. Everyday I logged in saying the mantra in my head as I type out the keys.

I soon found that I had mysterious checks coming to my home, and more money than I had intended for during my recovery. I even received a check for an essay contest and received a bonus from work that others did not receive.

What lead me to write this is recently, 8 weeks after the abundance of checks and prizes I have won, I received 2 checks from my cable company. Almost every week I have received money, even if it is interest from my rent deposit.

There are so many opportunities that I am encountering without any effort. All that I did was change my passwords to words that I believed in.

I read and saw the movie The Secret last year and was very excited. I immediately put the principles to practice. One of the ideas that intrigued me was the Bank of the Universe Check that Jack Canfield spoke about. So I gave it a try. I printed up a check from the web site and wrote it out for $100K.

Well I asked, believed and waited. But then it dawned on me, when you have a check you need to put it in the bank. So in order to show my faith and trust in the universe I made a DEPOSIT SLIP out for the check. Within 7-8 months I received an inheritance for $50K and sold a piece of property for you guessed it $50K.

This year I am doing the same. I wrote the check out and made the DEPOSIT SLIP. I know it is just a matter of time.

Enjoy: Secret Stories :: Official Web Site of The Secret and The Power
I have definitely been looking at this all wrong. I keep giving many people more credit than they deserve. Along with "The Secret" I see what appears to be otherwise normal people forwarding brain dead emails. Emails about how bad things happened to a guy who did not forward and a person who did forward won the lottery. I know some of these people who are passing this stupidity around. Many are somewhat successful. Some have their own prosperous businesses. Live in nice houses. If you met them you would think they are bright, articulate. They use logic to work out issues. Then they forward one of these emails that along with their open email address are hundreds more below them. (which I've started to collect) Not one uses bcc.

How is it possible that smart people will ignore the same logic and reason they live their business life by, will succumb to obvious deception? Blatant fake pain / pleasure points poorly executed still turns them into cattle. These are people who do not fit the obese, 3rd gen welfare, laying on the couch all day in a single wide trailer buying diet pill demographics.

I'm done missing out on this "smart" group. If they are going to buy prayer cloths then I'm going to provide the "Premium Gold Level" cloths. Seriously for signing up to my newsletter and for a small donation all their dreams will come true. Grow the list that arrives on a silver platter in my junk folder everyday.
Everyone around me is way into "The Secret". And all I can do is put my face in my hands and give everyone weird looks. I'm getting to the point where I think maybe I'm the crazy one for thinking it's the stupidest concept ever presented to smart people.
If you wish for it enough and mentally picture it happening, someone *will* eventually call you an idiot for thinking "The Secret" is the stupidest concept.
67 minutes ago, i thought "i want a guy to put his face in his hands and give everyone weird looks". boom.
beliefs => behavior => results.

the problem is they dont tell you the amount of sacrifice necessary to change beliefs (and thus behavior to get the results you want). Instead they say "think positive", "visualize"....

the "success stories" you see with this stuff is primarily due to things the participants never had real contradictory beliefs about. so they visualize getting 150 bucks every day for 30 days and they get it. woah.

I can visualize tying my shoes and ill tie my shoes.

The real secret is making your really big goals the same as tying your shoe laces... and that requires alot more than they say.
Wow weird Deja vu. Didnt we have a similar thread a few months/years back?
First of all, I have zero tolerance when it comes to bullshit. "The Secret" is a legit concept, it changed my life for the better in so many ways. I can't say I liked everything about the movie, but the concept itself is legit. Yes, maybe a bit corny with all that "Secret" stuff, but I think people are taking this shit too literally. And yes, they are applying different marketing methods, nothing wrong with that. Can't stand being marketed to? Fuck off then.

No one ever said you wouldn't have to put in work to succeed. You change your beliefs and you WILL start attracting events relevant to those beliefs. It's logical. Take some random person and have him trying to figure out how to start a business. If he tries to figure out how to start a business, every single day, he will most likely finally find a way and succeed.

It also applies in social life. If you're a miserable piece of shit energy vampire who is sad and negative all the time, people around you will also be unhappy. If you walk around with a positive attitude and a smile on your face, people around will also be happy.

I used to be a bitter and angry person. A true hater. All that without really realizing it myself. I made my friends around me unhappy with all my complaining and hating 'n'shit. And ironically, I was always the one asking why is everyone so depressed all the time. Anyway, long story short, watched the movie, had a realization moment and changed my life for the better.

Also the movie has a big part in my financial success. It used to be my motivation remedy.

Anyway, just my opinion.
Don't pooh pooh The Secret. Not many people out there can take "follow your dream", and turn it into a multi-million dollar company.
of course "the secret" is ridiculous.
I noticed that all of my success came from deep determination to do something.
So, you need to know what you want and you need a lot of determination, and basically the secret is telling you to do exactly that (on a superstitious level).

tl;dr there is some important truth in it