Please review my poor site


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Dec 22, 2009
Albany Plantation
I've got this site Boxing DVDs and want to sell some boxing dvds there (as you probably guessed).

I will appreciate any feedback, don't hesitate to abuse the website (and me if I done something obviously stupid). I am particularly interested in how you guys sell items like books or dvds (if you actually do it) where you do not focus on just one product or service but on many items.

Please share your thoughts on layout, colors, call-to-action points, on-site optimization etc. Everything you see is wrong.

My main keyword is boxing dvds as you can suspect. I just want to rank in UK, as I am too short to go wide.

Was it mistake to focus on many dvds instead of choosing one?

Do you think it is wrong to display staff from Amazon? (you know: Amazon and boxing?).

I will add much more dvds in future, but want to check now if I'm heading in right direction.

I did the website myself after I learned some PHP this year (as Eli suggested to do on his mega blog) so I can change some things on the site if you suggest changes (know some CSS and HTML too, but I'm amateur as you can see, learned it from on-line tutorials).

Thanks for any reviews

Why don't you put the DVDs on the front of the website? If that's your main keyword I doubt your visitors care about current news. I would throw up the more popular DVDs you think people would buy on the front page. Greatest fights might do good.
Your News tab seems to wrap to the next line. You might want to bring the font size down on each of the items to make the floats stop wrapping :)

Maybe also make a sidebar that has an RSS feed of a boxing relating news source.
Header is too simple, Text too big, The layout too simple....
Seriously you want some sales? you gotta hire a good designer to improve your website...looks a mock up created in a min to me now
Header is too simple, Text too big, The layout too simple....
Seriously you want some sales? you gotta hire a good designer to improve your website...looks a mock up created in a min to me now

You're right. Header and layout is just a temporary design as I wanted to start rather than read Wickedfire endlessly. I want to improve it, so I give this site for review so you guys with much more experience can suggest changes.
First figure out where your traffic is coming in. If your traffic is coming in on your home page, then you need to restructure basically everything you're doing.

I'd suggest making a simple home page with 9 pictures of your top selling boxers. Have these pictures link to the DVDs related to these boxers and implement a large headline right above, something like "Click on a picture below to browse DVDs of the greatest in the sport". Also, make sure that you have a visible way for buyers to get to other DVDs. Either put the search bar directly above your main content, or shift "Legend DVDs", "Greatest Fights", and "Training DVDs" somewhere where it is easy to click and follow through.

Your main goal is to make a site where people buy your DVDs, not to make a site where people read up boxing news. Accentuate the dvds and downplay the news and you should be set.

As for traffic coming because of news/profiles, Make sure to put some sort of DVD links/pictures with links of the DVDs on the profiles. You don't want someone coming to your site and leaving because they can't quickly find the DVDs they're looking for.

Hope that helps.
Don't worry, sometimes simple can be good. Just start A/B testing after you get your stuff in order on your site.
Why don't you put the DVDs on the front of the website? If that's your main keyword I doubt your visitors care about current news. I would throw up the more popular DVDs you think people would buy on the front page. Greatest fights might do good.

I put news section to have fresh "content" on page everyday as I thought it might help me in future.

But you right someone who seeks DVD can't care less about news as he can get it from news sites. I think I will remove it. Thanks.

More popular DVD on front - I will do it. Also do you think any testimonials (from Mike Tyson for example hehe) will be good idea? What about some logo-links to boxing organizations (like WBC, IBF etc), will it improve the way people see my website (as more professional in terms of boxing).

Thanks for your suggestions!
First figure out where your traffic is coming in. If your traffic is coming in on your home page, then you need to restructure basically everything you're doing.

Definitely traffic will go through a home page as it is exact-match domain. I was thinking about re-design of home page from the beginning but was not sure what should be there to make any sense. I will consider everything you wrote. Thnx
Definitely traffic will go through a home page as it is exact-match domain. I was thinking about re-design of home page from the beginning but was not sure what should be there to make any sense. I will consider everything you wrote. Thnx

Check out amazon or wherever they sell boxing DVDs and figure out what's the top seller. Then put those on your home page either in terms of standalone DVD/category. Monitor what gets sold/clicked on and change your home page accordingly.
Ok, so maybe my advice will be a little bit less useful than above, but I think it looks very unprofessional when you don't correctly scale images (i.e. they look squeezed, like a 175x263 scaled to 100x100). Maybe this is just a personal thing but I find it very off-putting. G'luck with your site!
Ok, so maybe my advice will be a little bit less useful than above, but I think it looks very unprofessional when you don't correctly scale images (i.e. they look squeezed, like a 175x263 scaled to 100x100). Maybe this is just a personal thing but I find it very off-putting. G'luck with your site!

^ This.

Try to add width in img .floatleft and see if that helps.
Don't worry, sometimes simple can be good. Just start A/B testing after you get your stuff in order on your site.
I will start some testing soon I get some traffic to my site, it will be a good practise, thnx

Check out amazon or wherever they sell boxing DVDs and figure out what's the top seller. Then put those on your home page either in terms of standalone DVD/category. Monitor what gets sold/clicked on and change your home page accordingly.
Great tip Kenny, thanks a lot, will actually use it soon

Ok, so maybe my advice will be a little bit less useful than above, but I think it looks very unprofessional when you don't correctly scale images (i.e. they look squeezed, like a 175x263 scaled to 100x100). Maybe this is just a personal thing but I find it very off-putting. G'luck with your site!
I knew it looks bad but didn't know it looks soooo bad until you mantion it

Try to add width in img .floatleft and see if that helps.

This or I will just stop using this 100 x 100 dementions, thanx

Thank you very much for your help guys!