Please Help! Genious on WF!! ! ! !

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Not black.
Nov 28, 2007
so, this might be some kind of black hat,


does anyone know how to put the e-mail or zip submit blank & button on their own landing pages from offer pages?


look up html forms and learn basic php.
look up html forms and learn basic php.

what i basically tried to do was,

i basically, saved the whole page as html files into my comp [affiliate cpa page]

and i downloaded into my computer, and i uploaded them into my hosting account,

but then it didnt work well,


second time, i copied the source code from that affilaite cpa offer page, and i pasted it into NVU blank page,

and it didnt work well also.

i'm a noob,

and could any of you give me some directions to study about html or php?
If you're talking about hosting the landing page yourself and removing the need for the visitor to visit the advertiser, stop. You will need permission from the advertiser in order for this to work.

Unless of course you simply want to iframe the advertiser's LP. And even then, some LPs have frame breaker code to keep you from doing this.

If you're talking about basically laying your own page over theirs and cutting a hole for the submit button and text box to poke through... good luck.
If you're talking about hosting the landing page yourself and removing the need for the visitor to visit the advertiser, stop. You will need permission from the advertiser in order for this to work.

Unless of course you simply want to iframe the advertiser's LP. And even then, some LPs have frame breaker code to keep you from doing this.

If you're talking about basically laying your own page over theirs and cutting a hole for the submit button and text box to poke through... good luck.


shit, thanks.
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