Playing the game?

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Imagine if you knew that a certain very popular site had just started using a certain size adsense image ad...

Imagine if you knew the keywords that would be relevant to that site... and how random (and cheap) they might be...

Imagine if you just happened to have a good idea of the sort of ads that would convert with the site's users....

I imagine you might do well from a campaign and the site's owner might be happy with their highly targeted ads...

Sorry if this pushes the price up for the guys who undoubtedly jumped on it hours ago..

It seems the thread title has the majority of the weight in deciding the ads. (See above.. games, playing... boost your bassoon?? wtf!)

And when some threads are continually popular....

How long before the "Free Ebook Download Section" has more targeted ads than the Google, MLM and get rich quick ones?

(Hmm... maybe I should've kept quiet, scraped the thread titles and found a designer!)
I'm seeing "stop click fraud", "exoclick", and "website promotion in "Philadelphia"

I'm not doing any ppc.... but getting ideas of kinda BH-PPC.... scrape thread titles, then exact match...

Happy to throw it out there for people less lazy and more skilled than me!
Oh, I thought you put an exoclick affiliate link in there!

Nah... and my idea would only work as easily for new threads is seems... :rasta:the random "playing" and "game" ads have gone!

Guess it's more a case of analysing the keyword density per thread and bidding accordingly....
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