Play Store SEO - share your experiences


silent crowd
Mar 24, 2015
3rd world
I know good reviews is important. But other then that, what optimization techniques do you follow?

A number of articles mention that
>>the description of your app is important (esp - first 167 characters)
>>sites linking to your app page
>>anything else?

Please share your experiences

Sorry if its a month old but here's what i can give

1. Put your main keyword in your app title
2. Use your keywords 5 times in your app description - Unlike on the App Store where the app description is not searchable
3. Use a beautiful design and screenshots - Screenshots will convince your users to download your app - more download is better rankings
4. Having a demo/promo video - use youtube
5. Get good reviews or hire people to get you multiple great reviews
i really appreciate you @member8200....rather than that u should be very serious about the review....its a great factor...
I would suggest you oldskool methods, write a nice PR and send to various blogs/magazines to get more backlinks. Offer your games to (for example) dating websites for free, this is really working to gain constumers who after all will buy your product.