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New member
Jul 6, 2006
Didn't know where to put this question so I figured it was a nub question.

Anyways, seeing as niche site are all the rave these days, i have a concern regarding plagiarism. I don't know about most of you, but the niches I target are usually a topic I know very little about, because of relatively low competition... not an expert to say the least, but that doesn't mean I can't write about it and provide useful information right? Right... Plagiarism is something I should know the ins and outs of now since high school teachers basically threaten to drop your ass if your caught and now that I'm in college the stakes are even higher, so one would think I have a good idea of the limits of plagiarism.

Well I have a basic idea of plagiarism, the way I look at it, a niche site is much like a report, where you do some research and somehow create a cohesive piece of work that can relay what you've learned. So if a niche site is like a report what are the limits of plagiarism? Or am I using the wrong analogy here?

I often hear that taking an idea is plagiarism, and rewritting an original piece of work is not enough to keep the lawyers off your back. Is this true? Everyone always says just write it from scratch, well writing from scratch usually takes quite a bit of time and research to do effectively, at least for me, so an easier solution, ahem a more efficient solution would be to rewrite an original article and hit the publish button.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is it ok to just rewrite an article using the ideas/information in the same order but rewording it as I go along? Sorry for the long post.

What I mean by "ideas/information in the same order" is not changing anything around, rather just reading an article reword the sentence, move on to the next sentece ect... Someone said it was best to take pieces of an article and shift the sentences around, but that doesn't make much sense to me. Again sorry for the long post.

I would argue that it is indeed a form of plagiarism. You're not really doing any of your own research, writing your own content, etc. As for whether or not anyone will ever sue you over it... likely not going to happen.
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