Pixel tracking system not working with real offers only...(Willing to Pay for help!)


New member
Apr 5, 2008
So I've got this simple pixel tracking system which I had developed for me,
which allows me to track which offers a user has completed.

Once an offer is completed it is faded out to 50% opacity.

It drops a cookie once a user clicks on an offer, and when the offer's pixel fires
it set's that offer's cookie to indicate that the offer has been completed. (this is done using JavaScript on .php page)

It works perfectly on my server when the pixels are placed on a couple of sites
which are hosted on my server.

However it does not work when I try it out with offers from an affiliate network.

Have you ever encountered similar problems with such pixel tracking systems which use cookies?

I really cannot understand why it doesn't work with offers from an affiliate network...
(Yes, the pixel was submitted to the affiliate network and placed)

I'm willing to pay somebody to get this working with affiliate network offers.