Pissed off with the NHL Lockout?

Fuck the NHL... Both sides are committed to killing the Golden Goose. From a long time Thrashers season ticket holder who has gone through enough pain to last a lifetime with the league.
This whole thing is so annoying it makes me want to shoot both presidents on each side.

I must admit that it sucks having a winter with no hockey.

Fuck 'em all though. They don't deserve their fans.
Lulz. Unless your from Canada or Minnesota nobody gives a shit. It's not a sport unless you get the brotha's involved.
Boycotts are really ineffective.
This happened to Major League Baseball in 1994-95 and attendance was cut by the fans 19% and in some markets much worse for years afterward.
This video and protest are poorly organized however, and there needs to be far greater consequences for the owners, like pledging not to come back next year at all.
The lockouts in MLB essentially ruined baseball for me in the 1990's and I didn't find myself at a game until 2003. I just stopped caring about baseball. I didn't think I could do the same to hockey, I'm going to have to.
Lulz. Unless your from Canada or Minnesota nobody gives a shit. It's not a sport unless you get the brotha's involved.

Minnesota? Lolz. If you had said, "Canada or Detroit. . . " you may have been on to something.
Lulz. Unless your from Canada or Minnesota nobody gives a shit. It's not a sport unless you get the brotha's involved.
By your logic, golf isn't a sport?

I know most American's don't give a shit, but enough people in general do to make it a 3 billion dollar sport. If only 10% of their fans stay away for a few weeks, maybe they'll get the message that they shouldn't take their fans for granted. I agree it's certainly unlikely, but I'm willing to try to send a message anyway I can. I know that I will not be renewing my season tickets next year. I even hope that one of the less financially stable teams fold to teach the greedy fuckers a lesson.
Lulz. Unless your from Canada or Minnesota nobody gives a shit. It's not a sport unless you get the brotha's involved.

how can you boycott something that everyone has been boycotting for years? Hockey is for faggots.
I don't give a shit about hockey, or any other pro sport really. Saying that, how can any one suggest it's not a sport?

It is the only sport where players are armed with both clubbing objects and bladed weapons and sent out to attack the other team over a small disk.

It's like slippery war, and the only sport we have today the Romans would have approved of.
Both the leaders are idiots. Players are stupid to think they they should get what they what and that billionaires don't know how to run a business.

Football is run the best. If you can't preform you don't get paid.
Hockey 1 good year and your set for life.

Only time I spent money on tickets since the last lockout was just buying tickets to scalp and only going if i couldn't get what I wanted. Or taking someone as a gift. Oh well, it just a conspiracy so that Crosby or Malkin or any of the start today will break the greats one records!
Being from Detroit I should love hockey, but I don't. I watch it as often as I watch basketball (almost never). But I respect the shit out of the sport and anyone that thinks it's not a real sport is fucking nuts. That's one sport without divas. Well, except for that one fag in Pittsburgh.