Pissed off at Asus/MediaMarkt - should I be?


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I just bought an Asus K93SV with an i5 CPU primarily for some video and music editing (ie. I want lots of RAM). It has four RAM slots, and by default it has one slot fitted with a 4Gb stick. The specs on the above page say:

Memory- DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM, 4 x SO-DIMM socket for expansion up to 16 G SDRAM

The Intel i5 2430m page states the CPU supports 16Gb of RAM 'depending on memory type' whatever that is supposed to mean.

I also checked with the shop staff (Mediamarkt) that the notebook I was buying could take 16Gb.

So I get it home, order 2x4Gb of RAM, and wait two weeks for it to be delivered (that's normal for where I live). I put it in, hoping for 12Gb, and the computer doesn't boot. It does boot with just 8Gb though.

I fire off an email to Asus, and they replied that only the i7 models take 16gb RAM. The i5 models only take up to 8Gb. Now they're not replying to further correspondence. I don't even know if this was a bullshit answer.

I unknowingly voided the warranty when I tried to upgrade the RAM (two slots are underneath the keyboard), and the 15 day grace period at MediaMarkt has lapsed. So I can only return it to MediaMarkt by making a big fuss about their staffs' misinformation.

What do you guys think? Am I right to be angry about the incomplete spec sheet and the ignorance of the MediaMarkt staff, or should I just let it slide and make do with 8Gb (after all, the other four gig probably wouldn't have made that much difference)?

all you fault, puch yourself in the head for being stupid and wasting our time
1. Your warranty is void because you removed the keyboard? That sucks

2. 'depending on memory type' specs, ports

3. "I also checked with the shop staff (Mediamarkt) that the notebook I was buying could take 16Gb." If you have this in writing than you can probably work something out with them.
on second thought, that sucks man - shucks. accidental warranty voiding = >_<!! but come on bro..do a little research beforehand. everyone knows asus is junk/shit/not worth the cum dripping out of a late night hooker's ass
If you want 16GB return it. Don't know the store but if you are close to warranty and are a regular maybe they will be cool. Would not mention the RAM upgrade attempt though unless required to get the money back / return / exchange or whatever. Oh wait...

Sure you can be angry, but focus on getting the situation resolved somehow. 8GB of RAM makes a ton of difference when it comes to video and music, don't kid yourself. The question is do you really need it for whatever you are doing?

Unfortunately in 2012 incompetent staff is the norm competent staff is the exception. Always triple check, get it in writing and know the terms before purchasing.

Maybe take printouts of the web pages to the store in addition to your complaint about the staff if pushed. Policies are for the norm. There is room for exception. At least at any good store it is.
but come on bro..do a little research beforehand. everyone knows asus is junk/shit/not worth the cum dripping out of a late night hooker's ass

I don't know about their laptops, but as far as their hardware goes, specifically mobo's I'm going to have to disagree with you here. Asus parts have generally been some of the most stable and durable parts I've ever used when building desktops (both for myself and others). Seeing as they tend to use their own propriety parts in their laptops, i can't image they're that bad.

Now Acer on the other hand does suck complete shit.
> but come on bro..do a little research beforehand

Yeah, that's what's so annoying. I did more research than most sheeple would've, and still got burnt by deceptive business practices and shop staff ignorance.

> asus is junk/shit/

True, but so are most other consumer notebooks. I live on a small island, so I don't have a lot to choose from. This was the best notebook-for-the-price that I'd seen locally in the last six months.

Anyway, fuck it, I'll just live with it I guess. I am interested to know if anyone else has heard this line I've been fed about i5 CPUs not supporting more than 8Gb of RAM. Did they really mean that, or did they mean that it's their shitty motherboard/bios that doesn't support it?
don't give up so easily man. it'll always bother you a little bit. what about newegg? they ship practically anywhere.

and btw, the CPU is only half the battle. You also need a notebook motherboard that can take that much memory. asus laptops have generally left me thinking they have the worst in the industry
what version of windows do you have installed? is it 32bit or 64bit

32bit version can only support upto 4gb of ram
> but come on bro..do a little research beforehand

Yeah, that's what's so annoying. I did more research than most sheeple would've, and still got burnt by deceptive business practices and shop staff ignorance.

> asus is junk/shit/

True, but so are most other consumer notebooks. I live on a small island, so I don't have a lot to choose from. This was the best notebook-for-the-price that I'd seen locally in the last six months.

Anyway, fuck it, I'll just live with it I guess. I am interested to know if anyone else has heard this line I've been fed about i5 CPUs not supporting more than 8Gb of RAM. Did they really mean that, or did they mean that it's their shitty motherboard/bios that doesn't support it?

If you live on a little Island it's most likely you won't get anything handled. I would sell that shit on fleebay or cl and buy another one... Maybe even get a laptop that has some of that cool graphics technology built into it so you can get better rendering performance. Another option is to use cloud rendering for your projects.
1.A little research and you'd see that removing the keyboard would void the warranty.
2. ASUS laptops have never failed me, my current setup a , G73S is overclocked and runs like a charm. The Asus ROG line are some of the best in the industry hands down. Don't give up though, try and talk to the right people at the retailer.
ASUS is actually one of the most reliable laptop brands you fucktards


ASUS is actually one of the most reliable laptop brands you fucktards



15 fucking percent failure rate. Wow. That's pathetic. I have a dell that is going on 6 or 7 years... It's a little slow but it works still...

I have ASUS Mobo's and they perform perfectly.
ASUS is actually one of the most reliable laptop brands you fucktards

Beat me to it.

Honestly you said yourself the extra 4 or whatever isn't going to make that much of a difference. Even better you get an i5 processor and you're even worried about doing anything that you need 12 GB of ram for.

Failboat is failing. Next time find some nerdy computer guys and ask them.
> A little research and you'd see that removing the keyboard would void the warranty.

I'd argue that a RAM upgrade is a fairly usual procedure and can be carried out by an average user. There's no reason at all to force users to void warranty in order to access RAM slots that were an advertised feature of the notebook. Further, they made popping out the keyboard very easy to do. Finally, there are no warning stickers over the screws. Asus is just being underhand, voiding a two year warranty over an upgrade they know 20% of their customers are going to do without a second thought. Sneaky bastards.

> don't give up so easily man. it'll always bother you a little bit.

Nah. The disappointment will be fleeting. It was still a decent purchase, even if I'm stuck with 8Gb. They just fucked up the end of my buying cycle, where I'm supposed to feel proud and emotionally attached to the product/brand. It's their loss that I'll be reluctant to give Asus more of my money in the future.

> Honestly you said yourself the extra 4 or whatever isn't going to make that
> much of a difference. Even better you get an i5 processor and you're even
> worried about doing anything that you need 12 GB of ram for.


Thanks for the replies, bros.