Pirates of the Caribbean IV: The ghost of poverty


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Johnny Depps wage for Pirates of the Caribbean IV: On Stranger Tides is a mere $55 million:crap::moon:


Thats a stupid amount of money. Sure the franchise has made a ton of $$$ but $55 million is definitely obscene....

holy fuck thats a big paycheque... i'm glad it's him that's getting it though, he deserves it
Depp may never win any of the big awards, which I think he deserves for many of his roles, but I'll take a $55 mill paycheck over a stupid fucking gold statue any day of the week.
Thats a stupid amount of money. Sure the franchise has made a ton of $$$ but $55 million is definitely obscene....
He makes his employers tons of money, and they compensate him appropriately.

It's only obscene because few people add as much value to projects as Depp does. You single out his biggest commercial success, but I suspect he has done many films in the last 10 years for much less money.

What is truly obscene is governments taking money from people under threat of violence or imprisonment in the form of taxes. Someone being given $55 million voluntarily in return for services rendered is much more sane than various departments and agencies forcibly taking billions to squander on things people would not pay for if they were not coerced.

Depp doesn't have to threaten anyone in order to get paid. He is a capitalist hero.
Whats crazy is he owns part of the franchise, so thats probably not the end of how much he's gonna be making off that and still banking off old ones
Whats crazy is he owns part of the franchise, so thats probably not the end of how much he's gonna be making off that and still banking off old ones
Smart business. If you're going to be part of something big, make sure you own a piece of the action.
When i made 50 mil, Em got paid
When i made 60 mil, Dre got paid
When i made 80 mil, Jimmy got paid
I ain't even got to rap now life is made
Said I aint even got to rap, im filthy made
Depp may never win any of the big awards, which I think he deserves for many of his roles, but I'll take a $55 mill paycheck over a stupid fucking gold statue any day of the week.
True dat. I also think the Pirates ride at Walt Disney World is far better than any of the movies.

Hollywood, a paranoid and insecure industry, continually overvalues stars' ability to fill seats. If you think about it, most of the highest earning blockbusters didn't have big name actors in them. The actors became A-list after the movies became popular.
It's a lot, but other actors get paid waaay more.

Tom Cruise got 75m for each of the Mission Impossibles and 100m for War of the Worlds. (These include % of gross).

Will Smith got 20m + 20% of gross on Hancock, and that mofucka did 625m. Same kinda $ for Bad Boys too.

These actors been had money.
and....maybe you can get just think media to pay you 20 million just to run one of their offers and give you 20% of the gross if you can drive $2.7 Billion in revenue to them. (thats how much revenue the pirates of the caribbean franchise has contributed to disneys topline just for comparison)
Bet it's the same studios that complain about file sharing killing their profits.

Unless the movie is planning on using slave labour to afford his fee he deserves it in my opinion and Depp is a crap example of supposedly over-paid movie stars anyway. He could get paid a lot more if he didn't care what roles he took and he does do loads of small films alongside the blockbusters. (Check out The Brave)