Pinterest Account Password Change


American Airlines
Jan 6, 2012
Pinterest Password Change

Hey guys, I've been trolling around on Pinterest since a while now and I was just pissed when I changed the passwords of my first twenty five paid accounts. So, therefore I wrote myself a little tool that allows me to bulk change passwords on Pinterest accounts. However, since I noticed that some of you guys are doing IM on Pinterest too, I would like to know if you would be interested in such a tool. I'm not going to sell it with this thread. I just wanted to know if there's any interest generally. If so, I'll open a sells thread and offer it for about $20. It's just a small tool but I think it's worth it and I would definitely pay that.

Some technical details - It's written in C#, uses multithreading and every dumbass can use it. You can either do a bulk account validation or a bulk password change. Here's an impression - As already said, nothing special...

Let me know your thoughts and feel free to ask some questions.



Are you sure that you don't need to add proxy support to this? Otherwise Pinterest might just can all of your accounts at once..
Good point - But I don't think they will. Having multiple accounts doesn't seem to be against TOS. Correct my if I'm wrong. Even if, closing accounts is not really an effective way to fight against spam. However, currently Pinterest does nothing against spam. I manage multiple accounts from the same IP and post a shitload of pins and non of my accounts got banned.

But yes, when times get more uncomfortable - I'll need to add proxy support to my bots. Piece of cake. I guess I'll implement it in case I'm selling it.
inb4 ban

PS.. If you cant even be bothered to add proxy support your a fucking idiot, and your going to screw every person that buys this
inb4 ban

PS.. If you cant even be bothered to add proxy support your a fucking idiot, and your going to screw every person that buys this

As I said before, I'm not going to sell anything with this thread and as long as there are no real requests I will do shit because I don't really care about selling this tool.
Besides that, I have a running sells thread where I could easily put this tool inside but as I said - I don't really mind.

If you don't have the ability to write useful stuff then gtfo. No one asked for shit lines like you write.