Piggyback pixels in PHP, how?


New member
Sep 7, 2007
curious if anyone here knows how to piggyback multiple pixels using php?

i already have a code from the T202 blog that's using .js file but I much rather do it in PHP, if possible.

Just from Googling I think it should either be php echo or php includes but not sure which

you want to server post like curl or have it fire end user? if end user just run it like any other html file
You just want the page to print out 2-3 pixels?

What exactly are you trying to have it do.
yes, not post-back server ping, just have a "global pixel" if you will that will load when a surfer gets to the 'thank you page' and cause the other 3+ pixels to fire. That way I don't have to ask my reps to keep adding pixels for me

the T202 blog shows this done with a .JS file, (http://prosper.tracking202.com/blog/ssl-workaround-for-nonsecure-pixels-from-akmg) but as much as 10% of my traffic can have java script disabled so I want to use PHP instead but I'm not sure which PHP function exactly would be the equivalent of what document.write does
iframe pixel is by far the easiest- the only issue is that some can't / won't place this.

if they will (most networks will) - simply create a html/php document - call it whatever - ie pixel.php

then within this simply paste all the various pixels you want to fire.

Give this link to your iframe pixel to a network or input into hitpath and select 'iframe' or have someone place:

<iframe src="https://www.yourdomain.com/somefolder/pixel.php" frameborder="0" height="0" width="0" style="display: none;">
yeah can't do iframes, they won't do it. i barely managed to get them to even consider placing a pixel for me
Not specifically integrated in P202, but I've custom coded a system for my own tracking system when I was only able to place a single image pixel. Logic is in my post at http://www.wickedfire.com/affiliate-marketing/116987-global-tracking-pixel.html .

Basically, set a source cookie on the click from your tracking domain, read the cookie on your pixel fire (your custom pixel hosted on your tracking doman), check your DB to see which pixel is associated with that source, and throw a 301 redirect to your ad network's image pixel.

Hope that helps.
I think what you're thinking of is using PHP to echo the other pixels out. Your PHP file can output Javascript, and your PHP file can even be .js if your server is configured appropriately. But you can reference an external Javascript file that has a .php extension, as long as it provides the correct HTTP headers (application type).
that's what I did, using PHP echo("<pixel tag>");
but my pixels would fire once and no more
that's what I did, using PHP echo("<pixel tag>");
but my pixels would fire once and no more
Alright, let's clarify what kind of pixel you're able to do.

You're not able to put an iFrame pixel on the page for you, but they'll allow you to place a different type of pixel. What type of pixel are they allowing you to place - only an image pixel, or are they allowing a javascript pixel?

For a javascript pixel, you should be able to write whatever you need by using the "document.write" function - make sure to escape your tags properly. You can throw multiple pixels at once. For an image pixel, check the link that I posted above - you'll only be able to throw one pixel.