phpmyadmin export is way too small


3 what?!?
Aug 25, 2010
I am attempting to export my 191mb database via phpmyadmin. I've done this many times before, and the exported .sql file always comes out to around the same size as the database.

Now, when I do it, my exported .sql file is a mere 17mb. I am not using any compression. Any idea why this is happening? I can't tell if it's got the whole DB in there or not, but I'm guess that at that size it does not.

Check the error log to see if the script stopped execution early.
if you have access to command line, try doing this (replace yourdb and username with your own)
mysqldump [yourdb] -u username -p > backup.sql

you will be prompted for your sql password, enter it and have a look at the size of backup.sql once the command finishes
Check the error log to see if the script stopped execution early.

Where do I find the mysql error log?

if you have access to command line, try doing this (replace yourdb and username with your own)
mysqldump [yourdb] -u username -p > backup.sql

you will be prompted for your sql password, enter it and have a look at the size of backup.sql once the command finishes

After doing it in this manner the size is still only 15mb.
Jryan, I use dreamhost and it looks like they don't provide access to the mysql error logs :\
Jryan, I use dreamhost and it looks like they don't provide access to the mysql error logs :\

It would show up in the apache raw server logs. There are usually 2 separate ones - access_log and error_log (not always named this way). Since it is a production server, error reporting is either turned off or set to 'log'. If the script stopped execution and the host has error reporting set to 'log,' it would show up in error_log. If your hosting is shared hosting, check around your acct with a ftp client and you'll probably see them in a folder above the webroot. On a vps, they are usually in /var/log or /var/log/httpd
If it is shared hosting you probably have a limit on the number of mysql queries you can run per hour/day etc.