phpLD 4.1 Released

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Jan 12, 2007
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Our previous 4.0 release brought you widgets, and 4.1 will surely prove even more exciting, putting more power into your hands than ever before. It has been our continuing goal to provide a script that can act as a directory of virtually anything, and by most measures, that day has arrived.

Here is a summary of the features added in 4.1:

New Fields Galore!

Not only is it easier to add new fields to phpLD now, the base version of phpLD makes many more fields available which you can easily turn on or off both on the submit form and on the link details pages. Adding things like deep links or a fax number field is as easy as switching them on. And adding other fields that don't exist is also much simplified. However, we still consider adding new fields an "intermediate level" task, and the help or advisement of a programmer or experienced phpLD user may be necessary. Nevertheless, it is much easier now. What is also in place is the ease of expanding the number of fields that come "pre-loaded" with phpLD. Just as we were able to add lots of widgets to phpLD, adding fields will be just as easy in 4.1 and beyond.

A couple of the "cool" new fields are:
Image (with 3 sizes, thumb, medium, and large in a lighbox)
File Upload
Site Links (as google does in serps)
Multiple Categories for Links
You'll probably want to view the Link Types and Submit Items Video to get up to speed on how all of this works. From a developer standpoint, the ability to add mods, and roll out new types directories (or business models) has never been easier.

Bye Bye Smarty Validation, Hello Jquery!

Ever get frustrated with the numerous Smarty Validation errors? We certainly did! While smarty is still great as a template system, the validation possible with Jquery is much more advanced, and easy to use. One of our developers who works regularly with our customers in the jobs area was ecstatic to find out we had made the decision to switch to Jquery. As you add submit items you have numerous choices on validators you can use. For example, you can make a field validate for a URL or an email, meaning that if the user fails to enter a URL in the field, they are given a warning message. There is plenty of room from a developer standpoint too to add your own custom validators.

Submit Page Much Easier to Setup and Organize

Just like widgets, you can choose which fields will appear and you can sort the order of the fields. As noted above, you can also add fields or turn fields on or off. And you can create as many link types as you like. In previous versions of phpLD you were mostly limited to things like Regular Links, Featured Links and Free with Reciprocal. Now you can name them whatever you wish, and have as many as you like. If you only offer one type then the submit form will simply display the fields for that single type. If you offer multiple link types, then radio buttons are used and the submit form is automatically updated using ajax when the user selects a different submit type. With near total control of what appears on the submit form, it is now easier than ever to create your own products and specials that are unique to your directory.

More Uses for phpLD Right Out of the Box!

Let's say you wanted to use phpLD as a classified script. Simply edit your Link Type and assign the fields you need. In this case, you probably want to turn on the Price field (so users can see the price of the item), and then you would turn on the image field (so users can upload an image). And of course, you would turn on fields like title and description (maybe allow users to use one of the editors), and then you are up and running with a Classified Ad script. You can offer both free listings and featured listing.

The possibilities are limitless. Just turn on the fields you need, and go! If there is a field you need that is not present, it is easier than ever to add them. And if you need something more complex, we have a dev team that can help.

Send a Newsletter to Your Users

Ever wanted to send a newsletter to all of your users? Now you can! With phpLD being used for so many varying purposes now, it has become a necessity to be able to communicate with users who are part of your site, and build a community.

4.1 Templates

We've also updated about a dozen 4.1 templates at the time of this writing, and many more should be available soon. You'll notice there are over 250 templates in our template archive. Let us know if you need a template upgraded to the current version.

Happy downloading and hope to see your newly upgraded phpLD soon!

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