PHP T1lib Support

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$monies = false;
Dec 7, 2006
Wine Cuntry
Anyone have any experience installing/setting up T1lib for PHP on a linux box?

My boss cant seem to get it setup, he added the library and added '--with-t1lib=/usr' to the PHP configure command.

However, the T1lib functions still dont work - The only difference I can see across this box to my local WAMP server is that under the gd header on my local box says T1Lib Support Enabled whereas it doesnt even mention T1Lib Support on the linux server.

Does T1lib support show up under phpinfo() on the Linux box?

Also, T1lib isn't likely installed under just /usr. The full path the lib files needs to be specified. Try /usr/local
T1lib doesnt show up anywhere - It doesnt even show up under GD as disabled

I found an article on saying we also need to put in the switch for --enable-t1lib; or something similar to that, in addition to --with-t1lib[DIR]
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