Php Script Autogenerator for SQL

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Underworld Overlord
Oct 4, 2007
anyone got any good sources for a php script generator. have way too much data to get up on the web

silly me

i should clarify. I have tons of stuff in sql database.........need to pull it out with PHP obviously. looking for something to help in the code generation of the sites
so you want a script that generates custom scripts to display data from a database on the web?

exactly...........and a way to better articulate my web needs....
I think he's speaking retardese. I may be able to translate, as I speak the language fluently, however there are different dialects to contend with.
lol...funny stuff turbo

razor go pay someone 50$ from to do " the code generation of the sites"....that is if you are able to communicate what you need, then again...most of the coders there speak retardese fluently

I think he's speaking retardese. I may be able to translate, as I speak the language fluently, however there are different dialects to contend with.
despite claiming otherwise, you guys seem pretty well versed in retardese and its mother tongue, nerdese.......thanks for phpscaffold. Exactly what was needed
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