PHP Licensing + Upgrade Systems?


May 13, 2011
I searched around a bit, but nothing really jumped out at me. What do you guys use for licensing, and one-click upgrades of PHP software? For example, with mine it's just a simple install.php file, upload it, enter your license ID#, and it'll grab the actual software off my server and install it. Then same goes for upgrades -- one click to release, and one click for customers to install via Maintenance->Package Manager menu.

I need something similar, but can't use my own infrastructure for this one. Any ideas? What do the rest of you guys use? Thanks in advance!

nb4 dchuk and mattseh and a long debate about best coding methods

Nah, it's a legitimate problem he's trying to solve so I have no inclination to be a dick today.

@kiopa: have you looked at how apps like wordpress/piwik/etc handle it? Maybe one of them packages the upgrading code with the app and you can just clone it.