PHP includes & Google Crawlers

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Mar 26, 2007
Hey guys,

I have a simple question here that some of you might be able to answer for me quickly...

I'm going to be putting a website into development here pretty soon, and I'm thinking of having all of my pages randomly generated by reviews and shit from a MySQL backend. My question is: Will google still crawl through my pages, or will it just skip it due to the PHP script that I'll have running?

Thanks for any help you may be able to give...


Assuming the PHP script is taking the information from the MySQL database and spiting it out as HTML or some other spiderable format then yes, google will be able to crawl it.

By the time a visitor (or googlebot) sees the page all of the content will be in place and it won't matter how it got there.
Googlebot sees what the user sees.

It's that simple. PHP is a serverside language, and just spits out HTML as output. Users, or googlebot for that matter, can never see your PHP code. They only see its result in what is presumably HTML form.
Why would you just 'randomly' display entire pages? Maybe have a section of some random links to pages, but I would try and remain consistent with what content is on each page, especially if the URL isn't going to change.
Thanks for the help guys.. I'm quite familiar with how PHP works and how it spits information onto pages -- however I didn't know if Google has gotten so absolutely smart that it bypasses what the HTML output is.. But then again I guess that's just not possible.

Thanks again. :)
Why would you just 'randomly' display entire pages? Maybe have a section of some random links to pages, but I would try and remain consistent with what content is on each page, especially if the URL isn't going to change.
It's a part of an idea I'm putting together to try and generate some income.
Googlebot sees what the user sees.

This is not true googlebot doesn't read most js, however what js it reads is a debate that will go on forever. Googlebot doesn't read css. Depending on if someone is cloaking googlebot might only see what you want them to.
This is not true googlebot doesn't read most js, however what js it reads is a debate that will go on forever. Googlebot doesn't read css. Depending on if someone is cloaking googlebot might only see what you want them to.

Yeah I wasn't sure if I should mention that to this guy. ;)

I'm pretty sure GB can detect some simple CSS that's designed to hide things. I mean it isn't too much of a footprint. Hidden divs over text, hidden images, etcetc...
Does cloaking even work anymore? I have never tried, only heard it doesn't work as well.
It breaks most of the time when a bot doesn't identify itself in the user agent and comes from an IP that isn't in your list. If you block based on IP and user agent it should be good, as long as you keep updating your ip list for new bots. It's kind of a pain though, at least in my opinion.
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