PHP in Wordpress Question


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
So here's the deal. I added a banner and blurb of information to the header file so that every page now features this even below the header image and nav bar. I did this because I am mimicking the theme alterations done by someone who is killing it with this design.

I figured that they did this to the page and post codes, not to the header. I just thought it was smarter to do it to the header. So here is where I encounter a problem.

This person used <div class="slogan"> which was fine because it placed a line beneath the blurb to separate it from the regular content. I didn't want that line because i actually chose to use a different container altogether. Looks better. BUT, in doing that, for some reason when I use header tags it won't actually change the way the font looks. But if its in a class slogan, or content, etc, it works. But I can't use slogan because it tosses a line in there below the blurb, and content is being used for an adsense plug in and it wants to toss in an extra ad block.

The bit I know of coding is from taking a C++ class and editing Wordpress themes. This one I just can't get to work. How can I get my <h2> tag to actually alter the font without using a class in the div tag? Or is there a neutral div class that's not slogan or content I can use to make it work?

Thanks :pimp: