PHP Frameworks

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Thanks - I think it's time for me to check out the Cake screencasts again. I was trying to learn Rails for a while but kept running in to brick walls that'd make me walk away from it.
CodeIgniter is what I use at work. It is pretty good. Unluckly, I have to use an add-in class to access a FileMaker "database" <shudder!> server, so I lose all the nice pagination and db class functions...
I like Cake. Usually use it when I don't feel like messing with the deployment issues of rails and I am making an app for my own use.

The 'bake' scaffolding system makes it just as easy as rails with out the deployment time added on.
I've recently become a fan of QCodo. Previously I had done a site in Ruby/Rails, then Cake, and I had heavily considered Code Igniter.

Rails is great, but at the time I was using it, finding a hosting company was a pain in the ass. Also, you may not feel like learning Ruby.

Cake was very good, but had a hell of a learning curve. In many cases, it seems like it tries to do everything, and makes things overly complex in the process.

Code Igniter looks to be the easiest one to pick up and hit the ground running.

QCodo relies on code generation for its data persistence layer, which I've decided I like more than the runtime reflection of the Active Record model that Cake and Code Igniter use. Also, since the code is pre-generated, the performance should be much better. More than anything, though, I like the event-driven architecture (very similar to If you have used and like, you'll like QCodo. It is wonderful for building ajax, command center type applications in php. However, if you're looking to build sites for the spiders, you may want to look away because you don't have things like routes/customizedUrls (a common feature in rails/cake), and in many cases you don't have control over the exact structure of your HTML. As I said, it's like on PHP.
Pear is good. Lots of shit available but you gotta know how to use it and have some control over your server config.
Problem with PEAR is, it has to be compiled into PHP, dont get me wrong, its great, but not every person may be able to install PEAR and/or use things run on PEAR....

The company I work for is using Cake and ive realized that it is a great system, very complex, sometimes, overly so....
I tried most of the big ones. Ended up being too much bloat for what I need. I wrote a stripped down framework now that I use for my php dev. It has the basic frontend controller for pretty urls and routing, controllers and smarty for views. I also have a few small classes in the libs for basic auth and db stuff.

It took me about 1 hour to make so if you have the time it might be better rolling your own stripped down framework
casidnet, any chance you would be willing to let me take a look at the code? I agree that many of the frameworks are often too bloated and im looking for a solid base for an expandable CMS.
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