PhotoSketch - AI for photoshop

I'm dangerously close to calling bullshit on this. I think it's possible, but not at the current time.

If I'm wrong, I can't wait for the site to get back up so I can maker my own porn
I think its just an academic project so far, not a real product. The site is up again now, but no mention of a real product - and it's a Chinese edu. Not the most trustworthy of researchers if you remember cold fusion. Hot porn stars plus a WF moderator in a Viking helmet coming soon.
Cool ! ...if true.
The program/software's apparent ability to cut out the desired object from its original background looks VERY clean. Almost too clean.

But if it it's legit, I hope it can render out in layers so PS types have the option to do some manual corrections and even better integrate the separate images together.
Some of the gizmodo ideas already lol:


"Well of course sweetheart, there's no way I was hanging out with my ex girlfriend.
Is she here now? No, absolutely not. *clicky click* look
*click* I'll just *click* *click* send *click* you *click* *clickety* *click* a picture of me where I am *click**click* right now and.

Yeah, see? here I am at the beach with [MAN JUMPING], [DOG], [SAILBOAT] and [LAKE]!
It's airtight! Yes I love you too honey."
FINALLY! A better way to blackhat sites!

Pharmacy site -> "doctor with pill bottle" -> "pill bottle" -> "viagra"

GD Image w/ fonts to overlay site title


Now I can save more and phase out designers completely after I have 100 unique "templates" that just need headers. Mwahaha...
I agree with Erect.
If Photoshop's 'remove background' tool has troubles when you're actively watching and selecting what to knock out, I really don't think this is going to do a better job without a human operator.

Methinks if this project works at all, it'll be done using stock images that have backdrops knocked out already.
Considering they're Chinese, be prepared to have the owners of the original images hand your arse to you on a platter over copyright infringement when you publish the picture though ;)
The video explains how they refine the object based on your drawing and background colors and profiling other photos and stuff. There have been better mask plugins than Photoshop's for years, but this leverages Google Image search or whatever too.