Photoshop Tutorials


New member
Nov 22, 2009

I can do the basics in PS such as cropping, selections etc however I want to be able to actually do something such as create a layout, icons etc so I'm looking for some tutorials however many don't go into much detail about the tools they use so really I'm looking for some n00b PS tuts anyone got any?

Here's a couple: Top 10 Photoshop Tutorials

If you search best photoshop tutorials on Google you'll get loads, I used to use fireworks a lot and going from fireworks to photoshop is tricky at first!
pick a project that you want to work on, and have an idea about what you want the design to look like, then get started. sift through the tutorial sites listed above as you get stuck on how to do certain effects, and repeat. thats the most practical way of learning. you won't learn much if you don't apply it as you go.