phone addiction


fear not
Apr 12, 2012
this week, i've spent alot of time on the campus of my alma mater. i've noticed that at any given time, 9 of every 10 girls i see have their face buried in their phone (and 4 of every 10 guys). walking, eating, driving, studying, standing in line, the activity doesn't matter. i got lunch today at a chinese restaurant & at two different tables there were 2 sets of girls completely ignoring their food, just sitting across from eachother with their faces 12" from their phones, doing whatever-the-fuck-it-is-they-do-all-day on them.

i couldn't help thinking that as a potential employer, the likelihood that i'd be able to find a female candidate who could break that addiction & go 8 hours without her blankey is pretty slim, and that there would be no practical way to screen that out. people don't spend every waking moment for years doing anything & just snap it off like a lightswitch when they get a job.

You will be surprised when you find out the girls at the table are texting each other.
I went without a phone for about a year a long time ago, and after awhile you just start to realize you honestly don't need one.

The only practical purpose of them is for things like if your car breaks down, or you need to call the bank on the go, or place a carry out order, etc. Then it moves onto calling someone when you're trying to locate them to meet up... (Ok, sure there's more to it if* you run a business, and sure it's nice to stay in touch with people... But what happens when it becomes your life?)

But I don't know.. Was just tired of seeing EVERYONE on their cell phone at all times. Like people hanging out, not even talking but being on their phone. Or going to a small house party where everyone is texting or at least trying to do so every 15 min... Or even on a date, (women in my case, but I'm sure theirs guys that text while going out on a date).

Seems like no one is really being present... Just an excuse to breakaway from any situation.

It was really nice to take a break though. I have a phone now, since I'm running businesses, but you'll never see me whipping my phone out at a party or while on a date.. Try it if you are able too, you'll see just how weird it feels when you're standing waiting for something and everyone else is on their phone. After awhile you get comfortable and get much better at striking up a conversation..

I guess more aware of what's around you.. That's all.

Imagine telling someone today they can't own a phone for the next 3 months... In most cases they would freak out since their so dependent on them.
this week, i've spent alot of time on the campus of my alma mater. i've noticed that at any given time, 9 of every 10 girls i see have their face buried in their phone...

i couldn't help thinking that as a potential employer, the likelihood that i'd be able to find a female candidate who could break that addiction & go 8 hours without her blankey is pretty slim, and that there would be no practical way to screen that out.

I assume employers know this. And knowing this, they are less likely to hire a female over a male (all other things being equal). The alternative is to pay them less to fill the same position. If a girl with her face buried in her phone is less productive than a guy who doesn't bury his face in his phone, such an outcome should be an expectation.

You didn't think the pay gap between men and women was just because of simple gender discrimination, did you? ;)