Pharmacy Affiliates: FDA Issues 22 Warning Letters to Web site Operators

where did you see mention of MyRXCash? Regardless, you should be hosting outside the US no matter which firm you work with.
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where did you see mention of MyRXCash? Regardless, you should be hosting outside the US no matter which firm you work with.

That was my first post on WF, so it was held up in the moderation queue. I posted that a few days ago. Since then I moved everything overseas.

Sorry, my original post wasn't clear. So far I haven't seen MyRXCash in anything I've read online.
I think it's amazing the offending sites were only sent warning letters. They got off VERY easy. Shit, if this business only did everything with warning letters, think how easy it would be to know where you stand day to day.
Yeah no shit. In years past there were no warning letters, just 20+ count indictments and freezing of assets.