Pete Maughan/Prolero Affiliate, can I get paid?


New member
Nov 29, 2006
San Diego
Hey Pete,

I have been trying to contact you and Layton Johnson, for 3 weeks, so I can get paid. I have not gotten a response after sending you emails, text messages, IMs, leaving voice mails, etc...

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume, that since you have not gotten back to me, you and the rest of the company are in Haiti helping out. I think that is great.

When you get back from Haiti, please contact me so you can take of the money you owe me.

Have a blessed day,

These fuckheads have owed me money for 5 months. Good luck getting it out of them all I got was empty promises and keep hearing about more people they have screwed over.

STAY AWAY from prolero/pete maughn
ohhhhhhhh lord. Check out the Facebook Group "Internet Advertising / People who don't pay" - there's a plethora of people who they owe money to. You're probably going to need to get in line with them

Im pretty sure Suave (MB) and Ryan are on the list
I will never understand why you guys go with these obscure shady networks and then are surprised when you don't get paid.
So no one does anything about it? No one goes after these guys? They just keep fucking people over and over and people just take it? That's not going to happen this time.
ohhhhhhhh lord. Check out the Facebook Group "Internet Advertising / People who don't pay" - there's a plethora of people who they owe money to. You're probably going to need to get in line with them

Im pretty sure Suave (MB) and Ryan are on the list
Yeah, we got stiffed. Not a lot, and not enough worth pursuing legally, but we got stiffed nonetheless.

Why'd we work with them? There was no reason not too. Their credit checked out okay and there was no negative board history anywhere on them.

There is now, though.
So no one does anything about it? No one goes after these guys? They just keep fucking people over and over and people just take it? That's not going to happen this time.

WTF can we do? Go sue them.
So no one does anything about it? No one goes after these guys? They just keep fucking people over and over and people just take it? That's not going to happen this time.
Try a collection agency....or a lawyer. Either one isn't going to come cheap. You need to figure out if what they owe you is worth your time and money to go after. If it is, do it. If it would be too expensive to peruse, then don't.

What else do you want from us?
Just wonderful, did you go after them?

I haven't proceded with anything legal yet.

I will never understand why you guys go with these obscure shady networks and then are surprised when you don't get paid.

It's a live and learn thing. I took a risk dealing with them and I ate it, some direct deals like that have made me fifty times that loss so it's a calculated risk. Luckily we didn't blow it out before I found they were stiffing ppl.
I want a hug from everyone. :)

We'll sue then. It pisses me off when people continue to scam money from people.

Try a collection agency....or a lawyer. Either one isn't going to come cheap. You need to figure out if what they owe you is worth your time and money to go after. If it is, do it. If it would be too expensive to peruse, then don't.

What else do you want from us?
I want a hug from everyone. :)

We'll sue then. It pisses me off when people continue to scam money from people.
Cool. Best of luck. I'd suggest tossing your situation out on the facebook thread I linked you to. Maybe you could get someone in the same boat to jump on the bandwagon with you.
maybe find some people that got screwed over and approach the legal situation with all the affiliates besides individually. Probably a better chance of getting your money then
well... if i deal with people within 1000 miles from me and they rip me...... a few ukrainians and they either begin spitting cash out the nearest neighborhood atm or they will begin gathering coupons to refurnish their house.

people who lose their house are put back on track by social security anyway. but i got my money ^^
ohhhhhhhh lord. Check out the Facebook Group "Internet Advertising / People who don't pay" - there's a plethora of people who they owe money to. You're probably going to need to get in line with them

Im pretty sure Suave (MB) and Ryan are on the list
He's a doucher. I hate him and his posse of bald faggots. Atleast I got them to pay for an expensive dinner, when I invited like 20 of my team members.
Did he give you a reason - like a low rebill rate? Or just ceased communications? He didn't pay us for not a terribly large amount but he justified it with the reason that the pub that ran it generated under 20% rebill rate for him - a pub who we've since stopped working with.