PETA Not Impressed With Obama's Miyagi Skills

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Boy just when you think your opinion of an organization couldn't get any lower something like this helps you find a new low.
You know what I think is worst than PETA going after someone for whacking a fly... The Obama administrating actually giving in and saying they wish he hadn't. Fuck that, he probably saved some illegal immigrant from e.coli downstairs in the studio kitchen.
Where'd you read the admin say they wished he hadn't swatted it? All I saw was a line at the end of the page saying the White House had no comment. I think it was PETA that wished he hadn't...
I don't hate'em but they sure are retarded. It gets them publicity, there was some other really stupid thing they got airtime over, a year back maybe. I'll have to look it up b/c it was actually pretty decent marketing.

They must've gotten a new PR brain in the past few years. Now they'e doing weird press releases and other stuff, instead of throwing paint on fur coats and breaking into labs.
I love how they refer to it as an animal... no, it's an insect.

I fucking hate PeTA. What a bunch of whackos. Fucking zealots.

Since when were insects not animals.

It isn't a mammal, but its an animal. Go back to school.

But.... i see your point
Yeah, I was wondering about that when I wrote it... my bad.

Nevertheless, I don't feel that we need to be treating flies ethically.

I don't hate'em but they sure are retarded. It gets them publicity, there was some other really stupid thing they got airtime over, a year back maybe. I'll have to look it up b/c it was actually pretty decent marketing.

They ran newspaper ads several years ago now when Robert Pickton was arrested near Vancouver for the killing of 26 prostitutes. He confessed to 49 killings in all. Pickton kept a number of pigs on his property so he was referred to time and time again as a pig farmer.

PeTA ran ads that compared the serial killer Pickton to the "serial killing" that goes on every day in pig slaughterhouses.


"One section of the ad that was to have run Thursday, reads: "They were drugged and dragged across the room... Their struggles and cries went unanswered... They were slaughtered and their heads sawed off... Their body parts were refrigerated... Their bones were discarded." It's thought the PETA campaign was intended to coincide with Pickton's preliminary hearing, which had been scheduled for Monday but has been put on hold.

Pickton is not mentioned by name in the ad but he is mentioned in a news release issued by PETA.

"PETA has just released a print ad that illustrates the well-established connection between animal abuse and acts of severe violence against people, and compares what is done to animals on factory farms and slaughterhouses to the ways in which accused serial killer Robert William Pickton apparently dealt with his human victims," says the press release.

"PETA believes that Pickton’s job as a pig killer could easily have numbed him to the cries of animals who felt his knife," the release continues.

The group says the ad is similar to one that PETA ran in the Des Moines [Iowa] Register a decade ago during convicted serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer’s trial.

Family of victims are disgusted by the association.

"All they're talking about is the pain of the animals, they don't care about the pain of the families," said Laurie Isberg. "They're torturing us. They're torturing us like they say everybody tortures animals."

"The parallels in this case are very clear," said PETA spokesman Andrew Butler. "What happened to the unfortunate victims of this crime are happening every single day in pig farms around the world where animals are routinely mutilated."

How completely fucked up is that?
stop it you guys. by breathing you're killing millions of microbes.

seriously though, I think we have enough damn flies to make up for the one obama killed.

They stopped making nude videos :(


remember this ad? does it make anyone else hungry?
Peta is slime. Another feel good politically correct group that does the opposite of what they say.

PETA Kills Animals |

They get animals that people think they are saving. Last year 95% of them were killed. They have a huge freezer in their center were they keep the dead ones so they don't stink up the place.

They cant place more than 5% of the animals they take in?
Since when were insects not animals.

It isn't a mammal, but its an animal. Go back to school.

But.... i see your point

Hell even the Kiddies Kid's Corner - animal classification know that Animals are those with a vertebrae (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish)

Ok, so while Kingdom Animalia also includes insects, most people "in school" especially if high school are lower, are only really being taught that animals are those in Animalia Chordata.

But still... a freaking fly, might as well consider every fly trap, catch trap, spray, sonic annoyances, etc to be inhumane to insects because it "hurts" them in some way. I want to see the Peta Spokesperson on a hiking expedition and not use a single anti-mosquito product.
Peta is slime. Another feel good politically correct group that does the opposite of what they say.

PETA Kills Animals |

They get animals that people think they are saving. Last year 95% of them were killed. They have a huge freezer in their center were they keep the dead ones so they don't stink up the place.

They cant place more than 5% of the animals they take in?

It's kinda like how the SPCA claim they don't put down animals... but they leave out the part where they do send them to the humane society, where they end up being put down.

It's like that saying, the road to hell was paved with good intentions.
Hey! Look at this! Something all of Wickedfire agrees on!!

It's a Miracle!!!!!!1111!!!!11
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