Perl Headaches

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Ok guys, I am getting headaches from Perl so I am looking for some help.

I decided to give myspace a go and do a bit o spamming down that alley, one problem is that I hate those god for saken programs because they generally only do 1 account at a time at a slow pace. So I looked into creating a bulletin poster and friend adder.

I made them in PHP and the friend adder was ok, but the bulletin poster was doing 1 account every 10 seconds. I can't have that shit, I need to pumping them through at milliseconds.

So I went and researched my options in Perl and I found this sweetass Perl module WWW::Myspace which lets you do everything, only problem is I wasn't acquainted with Perl.

So I downloaded ActiveState and started learning by modifying a few scripts. I thought I had the nack so I went and tried to install the module in ActiveState, but the module wasn't listed. So I added a repository which gave me the module. I marked it for install but it won't fucking install.

Could someone help me out? I am having a hard time with this as I am a newbie with Perl and installing modules, all those dependencies look like a bitch to intall manually :(

*waits for Deliguy and his team to save the day*

I take it you are using the PPM UI (run by ppm.bat). When you mark something to be downloaded and installed that you need to run the marked actions by pressing the green arrow facing to the right (alternately you can just hit ctrl-enter). That will get the process to download and install the modules going.
The thing with myspace is that their servers are slow as hell, so to get speed you need to get multiple threads going concurrently. Perl multithreading is going to be a pain in the ass if you're just starting out. You might be better off looking at a Java or C# based solution.
zenglider said:
I take it you are using the PPM UI (run by ppm.bat). When you mark something to be downloaded and installed that you need to run the marked actions by pressing the green arrow facing to the right (alternately you can just hit ctrl-enter). That will get the process to download and install the modules going
Yup I did that, but it says that some extra package isn't installed which the ActiveState was supposed to automate
"*waits for Deliguy and his team to save the day*" hahahahhahaha

crap heheh...

active state doesn't use the normal cpan list of modules...

Lets see here - looking at what Activestate does support at

shows that Activestate doesn't currently support that module for package installation

Now this module has tons of pre-requiste packages that need to be installed before the WWW:Myspace will work..

You need to pretty much look at the source and grab all the modules that are called by "Use" commands...

The source is at

Just at the header you see a few

use Carp;
use Contextual::Return;
use Locale::SubCountry;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use File::Spec::Functions;

You'll also need the modules for those as well.

Unfortantley I don't use activestate but on my home machine for making PERL->DBI mysql stuff
so i'm not familiar with it enough to know if it can even handle those other modules

However, you can bypass any of the "automated module installers"
by saving the source code as
modulename.cgi script and then in your code you can do a

require("pathtoscript/modulename.cgi"); and then you can use it normally
via the package calls

When I get on my home puter I will see what the ol active state package manager has to say about installing that.

Thank god for linux tho, in liux it would be

perl -e shell -MCPAN
then install WWW:Myspace

fetch prerequisites? (press Y) - done!

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