starting an ad network

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
From Performancing:

Here's a few key facts about Performancing Partners to whet your appetite:
  • Partners mixes images and text in a smart way to give both publishers and advertisers the best of both wolds
  • Partners has a unique revenue sharing model which we will be blogging about shortly. For now, rest assured that we're working toward passive income for publishers aswell as direct income from ads
  • Partners works on two different revenue building fronts for advertisers and publishers; Direct advertising on a monthly flat fee basis based on recommended CPM for category type, and CPA (cost per aquisition). More details to follow
  • Like all of Performancing's tools and services, the key ingredient is community, (that means YOU). Our publishers, and advertisers are invited to join open discussion on the site or anywhere else they choose with the goal of bringing the two groups closer together and building a better conversation around the topic of revenue generation

No indication of payout rates though, that I could see. Possibly a real option and alternative to adsense for blogs though
It'll be interesting to see where this goes, Performancing has made a few really cool things so far so I have faith that this'll be worthwhile.
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