Performance Marketing Alliance

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aim are you reading shitmonkey's blog? he talked about how this is owned by the affiliate classroom idiots.

I know this because it was linked to me on twitter
It's used in the more corporate, B2B side of the industry. From my own experience, moving away from the traditional affiliate marketing industry and working directly with clients, 'performance marketing' is used quite often.

In my opinion "Performance Marketing" pertains to the idea of getting paid / rewarded only when a certain performance metric is met, whilst "Affiliate Marketing" refers to individuals working with networks.

'Performance' Markers don't always necessary belong to an affiliate network, however 'Affiliate' marketers blong to a network but are always paid for their performance.

...Either way they are basically synonymous.
It's used in the more corporate, B2B side of the industry. From my own experience, moving away from the traditional affiliate marketing industry and working directly with clients, 'performance marketing' is used quite often.

In my opinion "Performance Marketing" pertains to the idea of getting paid / rewarded only when a certain performance metric is met, whilst "Affiliate Marketing" refers to individuals working with networks.

'Performance' Markers don't always necessary belong to an affiliate network, however 'Affiliate' marketers blong to a network but are always paid for their performance.

...Either way they are basically synonymous.
I do prefer the term 'performance marketing' though, sounds classy.
has been tried many times before.
affiliate union, iafma, usamc, AM trade association -- all dead.

not because the concept isn't needed. because it always turned into a political institution that couldn't agree on anything that would actually serve affiliates.

same problem with the country. too many individuals telling other people what they want, then pussying out and accepting the failures (and yes, occasional successes) of those who they perceive as needed to fix their problems. replace senators and representatives with union leaders and mediators -- and you've got the reason why affiliate unions haven't, and most likely won't, work.

and from what i've read and inferred, this new incarnation has no real plans for bringing about change. just looks like a consolidation of power to me, more titles and more badges and more ego boosts. politics as usual.

want a real solution?

as an individual -- list your issues, and refuse to send business to those who need your business unless your issues are met.

what issues?

full transparency would probably be at the top of the list. aside from managers who might spy/swipe your campaigns, this is the only real issue that i would demand as an absolute.

problem is nobody, or at least very few, demand it.
it's just a desire.

it's an accepted kick to the nuts, and on many occasions bank account, that we live with. because we see it as something that is an 'industry standard' and can't changed ourselves -- individually.

that line of thinking is bullshit, of course.

want to make some noise?
want to see real change, real fast?

demand it.
got a big gun? pause your campaigns.
take the hit until networks demand pixel tracking on all levels.

nearly guaranteed to solve the issues that 8+ years of political shuffling hasn't accomplished.

i say nearly, because there's always going to be the dipshit who thinks that taking advantage of the reduced competition in the short term is worth a continuous kick to the nuts long-term.

just gotta believe that those individuals who do demand their issues be resolved, have enough pull across the board to cause enough stink to bring about change.

i'm down for july 4th.
5 days is enough time for WF to scramble an industry-wide action plan, no?
has been tried many times before.
affiliate union, iafma, usamc, AM trade association -- all dead.

not because the concept isn't needed. because it always turned into a political institution that couldn't agree on anything that would actually serve affiliates.

same problem with the country. too many individuals telling other people what they want, then pussying out and accepting the failures (and yes, occasional successes) of those who they perceive as needed to fix their problems. replace senators and representatives with union leaders and mediators -- and you've got the reason why affiliate unions haven't, and most likely won't, work.

and from what i've read and inferred, this new incarnation has no real plans for bringing about change. just looks like a consolidation of power to me, more titles and more badges and more ego boosts. politics as usual.

want a real solution?

as an individual -- list your issues, and refuse to send business to those who need your business unless your issues are met.

what issues?

full transparency would probably be at the top of the list. aside from managers who might spy/swipe your campaigns, this is the only real issue that i would demand as an absolute.

problem is nobody, or at least very few, demand it.
it's just a desire.

it's an accepted kick to the nuts, and on many occasions bank account, that we live with. because we see it as something that is an 'industry standard' and can't changed ourselves -- individually.

that line of thinking is bullshit, of course.

want to make some noise?
want to see real change, real fast?

demand it.
got a big gun? pause your campaigns.
take the hit until networks demand pixel tracking on all levels.

nearly guaranteed to solve the issues that 8+ years of political shuffling hasn't accomplished.

i say nearly, because there's always going to be the dipshit who thinks that taking advantage of the reduced competition in the short term is worth a continuous kick to the nuts long-term.

just gotta believe that those individuals who do demand their issues be resolved, have enough pull across the board to cause enough stink to bring about change.

i'm down for july 4th.
5 days is enough time for WF to scramble an industry-wide action plan, no?
Jesus. And you have 2 posts? Do us a favor and keep em coming. I couldn't agree more.
nevele, what sort of transparency are you looking for? Like what the advertiser's profit margin is?
nevele, what sort of transparency are you looking for? Like what the advertiser's profit margin is?

i have no desire to know what the exact profit margins are. don't think it's relevant to my role, don't think it can be accurately gauged for all offers, and don't think merchants would ever agree to it.

would you as a merchant want to show a public salesforce (with no NDAs, or real loyalty to any program) the inner workings of your funnel? how much they make on the back end? how insignificant affiliate payout is compared to how much money is actually made? how competitors can profit from your model? how competitors can take your offer and make it more appealing to promoters?

wouldn't happen.
fun to entertain the idea though. that'd be some kind of wonderful.

full frontal and spread eagle pixel tracking however, is easy to implement across all networks for all offers, easy to automate and make available to affiliates who would take advantage of it, and fairly simple for networks to demand of merchants.

nobody's done anything because there hasn't been any real pressure to do so.

just a bunch of people who don't like being without complete tracking, who even rant and rave about not having complete tracking, but accept 'oh, we'd try but we don't want to inconvenience the merchant, we might lose their business', or any other lame excuse for not providing the metrics that should be a given.

anyone outside the industry would see us as insane for accepting anything but a crystal clear picture of when where and how our traffic flows.

maybe we are insane for accepting this.
maybe nobody truly cares about having it.

or maybe those who don't go out of their way to make sure the merchant fires your pixel at every step, have been without this 'privilege' for so long they've become numb to the strange thrusting pressure inside our collective asses.

i just want some common decency is all.
accurate tracking, standard, is decent enough for now.

anything else you, as an individual, deem necessary to have?

it can be acquired if you demand it.
it can be attained if you demand it with actions, not words.
if can be yours if the price is right.

and you can have it, you can make it happen, without some would-be 'voice of the people' that only serves the interests (both financial and egomaniacal) of those involved, until it dissolves into nothing due to infighting and indecision. at least that's how history has played out so far.
Nevele I agree with you 100%. While you only have 3 posts here it's apparent that you are a veteran of this industry.

Regarding your call to action and using WickedFire as the bullhorn, I'm afraid it wouldn't go far here, for a number of different reasons which are probably not worth getting into here.

Not too long ago I stopped doing traditional affiliate marketing and now only work with a partner if I have complete control over the transaction. Call it a white label, host + post, whatever... No longer am I sending customers off through a chain of network, advertisers, tracking pixels, etc. Networks still IM me every day, asking me to run traffic through them but unless I can control the transaction, no can do.

Additionally, we've started working with clients directly, and one primary thing we advocate is 100% transparency. Direct quote from our 'About' page:

Founded by two web developers on the premise that online lead generation should be completely transparent, we run a 100% transparent and open-network of Websites that generate leads, so our partners know exactly where leads are being generated.

When you're involved with lead generation on a more professional level, there is no harm in disclosing how and where leads are generated, and from our experience clients really appreciate this transparency.

(That's not to say there isn't a danger in showing a traditional affiliate network your campaign's traffic generation methods - there definitely is...)
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